Wednesday, July 26, 2023

D66 Graveyard Encounters

From row upon row of listing, half-toppled gravestones to the moss covered mausoleums of wealthy nobles, the graveyard is fantastic location for adventure! The next time your PCs find themselves skulking past headstones in search of the lost tomb of the mad wizard Karl, try using the table below to add some fun to your next encounter roll. If you enjoyed this encounter table, check out this forest encounter table, or try reading this article for something a little different! 

D66 Graveyard Encounters:

*public domain clip art

11. A series of headstones have been overturned and broken. Claw marks around the graves indicate something was trying to get inside the coffins.

12. A jubilant funeral procession complete with dancers and musicians dressed as skeletons is making its way down an aisle of graves.

13. The sounds of a child's crying echo through a series of gothic stone mausoleums bedecked with snarling gargoyles.

14. A pack (2d6) of ghouls has angrily cornered a lone grave robber in a small tomb built into a hillside.

15. Scattered chalk marks and pools of dried blood indicate a sacrificial circle used in an unholy ritual.

16. The glowing translucent form of a renowned paladin floats through the graveyard, beckoning for others to take up his cause and complete his mission so he may rest.

21. Three skeletons are clumsily kicking their skulls back and forth on the ground as they blindly grope for them.

*Hans Holbein the Younger, circa 16th century

22. An open wooden chest with 400 gp worth of coins stuffed in it sits next to a nondescript gravestone. The stone reads "Langlis the Drunkard."

23. Sulfur vapor seeps out of the ground here in clouds.

24. These graves are set among a copse of purplish-red apple trees. If eaten, the apples will bestow the eater with a vision of their afterlife.

25. A band of dwarven laborers and stone workers are excavating a hillside to place a new mausoleum there.

26. A drum circle of dwarven mourners pound their sorrows out on crystal rock drums in a polyrhythmic lamentation.

31. A Lich carried on a jeweled palanquin by six skeletons in golden armor is visiting with friendly spirits of the dead.

32. A small party (1d8) of Orcs is trying to gain access to a mausoleum with a couple crowbars.

33. Calliope dirges waft through the air from over the next rise.

34. The party turns a corner and comes upon freshly dug graves. Each headstone displays the name of a party member, except one.

35. A war party of goblins (2d8) jumps out from behind gravestones to ambush the party. They wear the bones of the dead as armor.

36. A longsword with a gold wire-wrapped hilt and a gleaming bejeweled golden scabbard bursts forth from a nearby grave and hovers in the air for a few seconds before it gently floats down against the headstone. (d8/d10, grants wielder +2 bonus to spell saves against chaotic foes.)

41. The heads of two corpses are sitting atop a weathered headstone arguing over literature.

42. 2d20 severed lower halves of human bodies go running by in a panicked group

43. D6 disturbed graves are scattered about the area. Their headstones have been cracked in two.

44. D4 grave diggers are in a fight with a necromancer and his four zombie guards, and they are losing.

*Hans Holbein the Younger, circa 16th century

45. The neighing of horses and the sound of a carriage can be heard clattering towards you in a hurry! The sounds suddenly end just when you think you are going to be trampled.

46. A group of 2d8 cultists in black robes with gold embroidery are kneeling around a brass brazier filled with blood while they loudly chant.

51. You disturb a noblewoman and her scullery maid in the middle of a passionate embrace behind a rather secluded mausoleum.

52. You come upon a halfling funeral fair. An entire community of halflings is drunkenly singing and having a party while their deceased loved one is propped up at the head of the table as guest of honor. There are vendors and food stalls lining the grave path.

53. D6 guards are standing watch over a rather impressive mausoleum and the fabulous grave goods that are being stored next to it in anticipation of an upcoming burial.

*The Broken Promise, 1821 by unknown

54. A pack (2d10) of ravenous wild dogs roam the grounds, howling and hunting for food.

55. A bubbling, green necrotic goo is bubbling up from a crack in the ground. If touched, the target must succeed at a death save with a -2 penalty or take 1d8 necrotic damage and lose 1d4 strength. The strength damage can only be healed by bed rest.

56. From behind a headstone can be heard the sound of a young girl crying for help. If investigated, PCs will find the remains of a child's corn doll.

61. D6 flaming skulls burst forth from a nearby mausoleum. They cackle as they tell each other dirty jokes.

62. A small mausoleum made of green marble lies open. If investigated, the PCs find a secret passage that leads out of the cemetery to a nearby manor house.

63. A skeletal steed comes riding out of a fog before stopping before the party. The undead horse radiates with holy light.

64. The ghost of a famous martyr can be seen wandering the burial grounds, searching around for his lost mount.

65. A small contingent (d4) of holy knights is locked in battle with a pack (2d8) of ghouls. The two parties are fighting for possession of an unholy relic (small lantern, 3 times a day can cast light/darkness. Also, all chaotic creatures within 35 feet of the lantern receive +2 on all saving throws).

66. A small village of indigent craftspeople has sprung up in a disused part of the cemetery. They live in the ancient crypts as they are refugees of a border war, driven from their homeland.

Saturday, July 1, 2023

General Encounters In the Forest of Boax

This table is written for use with Cairn by Yochai Gal, but can be used with almost any OSR or NSR game. Check out the first article on the forest of Boax if you want to start at the beginning. If you liked this article, take a look at my hovering island generator.

A Return to the Forest

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This week we return to the forest of Boax with a mega-sized encounter list for your forest roaming needs. This D66 table is replete with tree covered encounters for your players to explore while roaming the hills and dales of the forest realm. There is much danger and much wonder hidden among the primordial forest's boughs, All it takes is a little time under the canopy of Boax's massive old growth forest to uncover exciting danger and fantastical treasure. 

Roll two D6s, use one for the "ones" place and the other as the "tens" place. 

11. Remains of a fieldstone farmhouse. Only three walls remain. The ceiling has collapsed and scorch marks are visible on two of the three walls(1. 2d4 bandits still occupy the place. 2. The ghost of a woman who died in a fire haunts the ruins. 3. Every twelve hours, any items or stones from the farmhouse that have been disturbed will revert back to their original placement. 4. The entire farmhouse is a gigantic mimic.)

12. Three five-sided pyramids roughly four meters tall, carved with ancient arcane runes of necromantic power. The space between them is dyed a dark red from all the blood spilled here over the years. (1. Any blood spilled on the monuments summons 1d4 blood demons who attack the party. 2. Any scars the PC previously had start to open up and bleed within 10 feet of the pyramids. 3. A gift of blood (d4 Str) smeared upon one of the pyramids will clear a sacrificer’s Fatigue from their inventory. 4. An odd humming within 100 feet of the pyramids gets louder when living creatures get nearer to it.)

13. A spiraling pattern of vivid purple and blue toadstools roughly 10 meters across with a weathered stone plinth at its center.

14. Two burned and wrecked wagons strewn about with broken barrels, chests, and ripped clothes. Within the wreckage is a writ granting the bearer ownership of the forest lodge of Ogan Hall.

15. A young forest drake sits before a large group of forest goblins who seem to be worshiping it and giving it gifts of bronze ingots and gems.

16. A small forest of mushrooms as tall as trees and ranging in color from purple to red to bright green and yellow dot the landscape for half a mile.

21. An ancient and weathered statue of a woman stands on a small hillock. The statue is  twice as tall as a human. It weeps tears of glowing blue liquid.

22. A clearing of fuchsia wildflowers spreads out before you for 50 meters or so. Thumb-sized bumble bees lazily drift from flower to flower. Once entered, the field of flowers vanishes, leaving behind a wet, sucking bog.

23. An image of a snake eating its own tail has been carved into a gigantic old growth pine tree. The carving is almost 10 feet in diameter.

24. A massive oak tree dressed with beautiful blue and green streamers stands before a large wooden table in a small clearing. Chairs of all kinds and sizes dot the area around the table. A massive bounty of fruit and vegetables is laid out as if someone were just about to sit down to eat.

25. The ruined remains of an amphitheater cut into a hillside is before you. The weathered stones are now overgrown and crumbling.

26. A small copse of trees is woven together to form a wall of impenetrable leaves and brambles two meters tall. It guards a stone well. Three Boaxian woodfolk can be found inside trading songs and stories as they take their leisure.

Woman with Spider’s Web Between Bare Trees -Caspar David Friedrich

31. A woman sits on the ground, huffing and out of breath. She is chained by the leg to a large stone skull that has been overgrown by an ancient oak tree. She begs the PCs to free her, saying she has been cursed by an evil wizard. If they do free her, she flees into the woods and a minor demon arrives and threatens them for it.

32. A sinister-looking chest the size of a horse with iron bands wrapped around it and a massive lock. Demonic runes are etched into the dark metal. (definitely trapped)

33. Two giants sit with a bald-headed Boaxian woodfolk hunter, discussing philosophy and drinking tea out of comically small cups.

34. A small stone platform in a large clearing looks out over the landscape. Two huge braziers sit atop it. Anyone who lights a fire in the braziers summons a fire elemental who will answer one question per day before it vanishes in a puff of smoke.

35. An intricately carved stone arch lays in the lee of a hill, its surface decorated with stone vines and flowers. (When the moon is full, a portal opens and Faeries come out to dance about and hunt for mortal flesh.)

36. 1D6 bandits have made camp around a small covered well. They kick around an inflated sheep’s bladder and tell bawdy jokes to pass the time.

41. A statue of a hand lies half buried. It is at least 10 meters across, with its palm open. Various charms and idols have been hung from its upturned fingers.

42. The woodland around you is strewn with half-buried corpses and skeletons of fallen warriors, their arms and armor still on them. In the center of the tableau, sitting in a tree, is a corpse dressed in intricate armor.  His mighty spear is embedded in the chest of another well-adorned warrior, whose own sword is sticking out of the other’s throat.

43. 1D10 priests with silver censors are carrying a palanquin-shaped iron box with a caged demon inside to a distant temple. The demon taunts them and spits at them, but they seem unfazed by its wrath.

44. 1D6 Beastmen sitting with a bald-headed Boaxian woodfolk hunter, laughing and telling jokes while they drink ale from comically large flagons.

45. The ruins of an old stone temple nestled amongst a copse of linden trees. Its walls have been weathered down to hip height over the years, and only a few pillars remain. In a hole in the temple, three giant leopard serpents dwell. They guard an ancient hidden treasure hoard.

46. A ruined watchtower, its stones moldering and old. Inside is carved a plea to a specific PC: “Please come and save me from the mirror world! I’m trapped here and can’t get out!” It is signed by a family member.  

51. Meter-wide stone basins sit atop small pillars. Water flows up from one into the other, the process endlessly repeating in defiance of gravity.

The Flight into Egypt, from the Life of the Virgin -Albrecht Dürer

52. A group of Sedgelings stands in the center of a stone circle. They are locked arm in arm, and in their center a demon writhes and screams in pain. If they are interrupted, the demon escapes and kills some of them before fleeing into the hills.

53. The massive skull of a giant lies half-buried in a sandy hillock. Something glitters in its eye sockets.

54. The underbrush before you is dotted with bunches of yellow flowers. Anyone who gets near enough to pick or smell the flowers must make a Wil save against the pollen in the flowers or fall asleep for 1D6 hours.

55. A large cottage with a thatched roof can be seen through the trees. When the PCs come closer, they realize it’s even larger than they thought, with doors 6 meters tall and furniture to scale. It looks inhabited, but not currently occupied. A fire smolders in the hearth, and fresh, massive loaves of bread sit on the huge table.  

56. A party of oddly dressed men in leather jumpsuits can be seen in the sky, lashed to large kites made of animal hides and wood. They are friendly but can’t talk long as they are on a mission for their Thane.

61. A blue-green forest goblin floats in front of 2D6 other goblins. He is watching as they search a small, ruined building. He wears an ornate ivory crown, not of forest goblin make.

62. A broken, half-buried boat lies far away from any water source large enough for it to sail. It is a merchant cog, and a small treasure of goods can be found in its hold. There is no sign of any crew, but it doesn’t look like it’s been there long.

63. A stone table lies at the center of four tall plinths carved to look like massive snakes with their mouths agape. Four hooded figures chant in some ancient tongue as they attempt to sacrifice a crying child.

64. A lone traveler is making camp. If he spies the PCs (3-in-6 chance), he will invite them to join him. He is jovial and sings and trades riddles with them. If they answer most of his riddles correctly, he vanishes while they sleep, but leaves some much needed equipment and food for them.

65. The PCs encounter a party of Lord Wend’s men who tell them that they have been searching for a randomly chosen PC. Wend’s men claim that the PC committed a crime in a neighboring province and insists that he go with them and face justice. If asked, they produce a piece of paper with the PC’s face drawn on it. (1. Murder. 2. Horse thievery. 3. Necrophilia. 4. Unlicensed Haberdashery.)

66. A ruined building fashioned to look like a massive toadstool. When looking out from within through the windows, the PCs see a landscape of rolling purple hills with bright blue trees and a yellow-orange sky outside. The windows are not big enough to pass through.

Landscape with a Farmhouse, from Four Small Landscapes -Hendrick Goltzius

Monsters Mentioned In This Article:


3 HP, 2 Armor, 10 Str, 12 Dex, 8 Wil,

Crude spear or club (d6)

-Rude and dangerous outsiders who have fled to the wood to avoid the law.

-Bandits like to use traps and ambushes to even their odds.

-Some bandits do wield slings (d4, ranged).



6 HP, 3 Armor, 8 Str, 13 Dex, 14 Wil,

Icy grasp (d4 Str)

-Those who die with important business still unresolved will rise as immortal ghosts and haunt the places of their death.

-All non-magical attacks against Ghosts are Impaired.

-A Ghost doesn’t die if they are reduced to 0 Str. Instead, they discorporate for d4 hours.


Giant House Mimic

8 HP, 3 Armor, 14 Str, 4 Dex, 3 Wil,

Massive bite (d10), Detachment

-This is a mimic of epic proportions. The creature itself resembles a ruined farmhouse.

-Giant House Mimics will remain still for months or years at a time, only to clamp down on unsuspecting creatures who wander too far inside.

-Critical Damage: The target is spat out d4 yards away, covered in saliva.


Forest Giants

7 HP, 18 Str, 9 Dex, 8 Wil,

Groping fist (d8)

-These simple but mighty giantfolk grow up to twelve feet tall and can usually be found wearing red deer hides for clothes.

-Forest Giants are not very bright, but they do pack a punch.

-Critical Damage: The giant grabs and crushes the target, dealing d6 Str.


Forest Goblins

5 HP, 2 Armor, 10 Str, 14 Dex, 9 Wil,

Copper dagger (d4)

-The goblins that inhabit Boax are short - only four feet at most. They have mottled green and grey skin that helps them blend into the forest.

-Forest goblins generally hate humans and have been known to attack travelers in the forest.

-Sometimes a blue-green forest goblin is born with special mental powers, a mind attack that deals d6 Wil, and the ability to hover above the ground.


Forest Drakes

6 HP, 3 Armor, 16 Str, 14 Dec, 6 Wil,

Gnashing teeth and claws (d8)

-Forest drakes are large wingless bipedal lizards related to Wyrms and Dragons.

-Forest drakes are the size of horses and have been known to attack lone farmsteads for food.


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8 HP, 3 Armor, 16 Str, 10 Dex, 16 Wil,

Sword-like Claws (d8)

-Wyrms are long sinuous reptilian monsters who can breath fire when roused to anger.

-Wyrms do not fly like their Dragon cousins but they do still have vestigial wings.

-Critical Damage: The Wyrm breaths fire (d6) in a wide arc in front of it, trying to attack as many foes as possible.


Minor Forest Demons

8 HP, 1 Armor, 10 Str, 16 Dex, 14 Wil,

Fire scourge (d8)

-The minor demons of the Forest of Boax resemble humanoids made of gnarled and sickened wood. They have bat-like wings and glowing red eyes.

-Forest demons are hostile and dangerous, but they are bound by the ancient laws of hospitality. Those who know such laws can trick them into service.

-Critical Damage: The target is overcome with terror and flees the fight in a random direction for d6 rounds.



6 HP, 2 Armor, 14 Str, 12 Dex, 8 Wil,

Bronze sword (d6)

-This cursed race of monsters resembles bestial humanoids with faces that appear to contain a mix of pig, bear, ram, and wolf features.

-Beastmen were the footmen of the Chaos Gods who came to these lands in eons past to wage war.

-Beastmen often use poisons to slow their enemies and gain an advantage.

Demonic Mutations

Today I’d like to share a table I’ve been putting together for an upcoming campaign. The setting is a vast demon-haunted wasteland where mor...