Sunday, June 25, 2023

June: Week Four

 Salutations skillful spelunkers! Welcome to this week's installment of The Crucible of Oxyus, my year long Dungeon 23 mega-dungeon. Bellow you will find seven new rooms of dark and dangerous dungeon denizens! This week brings secret treasures, hooked monstrosities, fading murals, and the echoing darkness of a vast underground sea. At the end of the dungeon writeup you will find a complete level map and the encounter table for this month's dungeon. If you like what you've read and want to see how it all began, click here. If you want to start at the beginning of the month, click here

Week Four

6/25: The Dead Die Hard

This natural limestone cave is approximately 20 to 30 feet in diameter with  stalactite covered ceilings about 15 feet in height. The floor is heaped with desiccated bones and mostly rotting corpse parts. The stench inside this chamber is putrid. To add insult to injury, there are about ten zombies milling about the chamber, occasionally trying to eat what’s been left on the floor. Their clothes range from the torn rags of adventurers to priest frocks to nothing but crude iron slave collars. 

  • South: A natural tunnel leads from the south end of the cave back to the cave with the carrion crawlers, room 6/10
  • West: A 35’ long tunnel connects this room’s northwestern corner to room 6/26.
  • The Zombies: These zombies are the corpses of those who have died in this miserable underground labyrinth. Their souls unable to find their way back to the surface, these persons’ bodies have reanimated as zombies. Among the adventurers there can be found 2d10 platinum coins, 4d20 gold coins, 2d8 silver coins, and 100 feet of silk rope.

6/26: Pillars of Gold

This limestone cave is roughly 50’ long by 35’ wide with 20’ tall ceilings dripping with stalactites. The room is dominated by two large natural pillars and most of the walls and ceiling in the southern half of the chamber are covered in spikey yellow, lichen-like mold. The musty air is thick with spores and it is hard to breathe. The sounds of clicking and gnashing can be heard faintly to the west.

  • South: A hallway has been cut out of bare stone on the southern end of the room that runs for 20 feet before joining a wide, vaulted corridor that runs east/west through the mountain. These two hallways are separated from each other by a  wooden door painted yellow. The door seems to have swelled shut and is stuck.
  • East: A natural limestone tunnel from room 6/25 connects to this chamber on the northeastern side of the cave.
  • West: A tunnel runs from the northwestern edge of this cave to cavern 6/27. The clicking noises are coming from the direction of this cave.
  • The Mold: The lichen-like Yellow Mold is rather toxic if disturbed, releasing choking clouds of spores. Skilled adventurers should have no trouble identifying the dungeon hazard.

6/27: A Hunting Party

This natural limestone cave is approximately 45 feet long by 35 feet wide with a ceiling topping out at 15 feet high. Two natural pillars of rippled limestone keep silent watch over what transpires within the chamber. Inside the cavern, four hook beasts are stooped over a pile of what may have once been lizardfolk as the hungry creatures feast away. The sound of their odd, self-satisfied clicking can be heard mingling in between noises of wet crunches and splatters.

  • North: A five-foot-wide corridor has been cut from the rock on the western end of the cave. It leads north to cave 6/28.
  • East: On the northeastern end of the room, a tunnel connects this cave to cavern 6/26.
  • West: On the western side of the chamber where the cut stone tunnel leading north begins is another carved tunnel. This tunnel leads due west ten feet further into the mountain before stopping at a locked bronze door that bars entrance to room 7/1 beyond.
  • The Hook Beasts: The Hook Beasts are bipedal monsters with vulture-like beaks, hardened carapaces, and long hooks for appendages. The beasts are curious by nature and also quite territorial, making them dangerous to most dungeon adventurers. These particular hook beasts are momentarily distracted by their meal and won’t initially notice quiet characters when they first approach.

6/28: The Gallery

This natural limestone gallery runs 85 feet and is approximately 10 to 20 feet wide at most. The ceiling in this cavern is 30 feet tall, and a natural pillar of limestone rises up to support it on the western end of the chamber. The limestone that makes up this cave gallery has some kind of special acoustic qualities to it, noticeably amplifying even the smallest of sounds made in the chamber.

  • East: The eastern end of this chamber is connected to a north/south hallway that travels down to room 6/27.
  • West: A narrow limestone tunnel on the western side of the cave leads to room 6/29. Human-sized characters will have to squeeze to make it through the tunnel.
  • The Echo: Even the quietest of characters will produce loud, overlapping echoes by the time they’re even halfway through this chamber. It is simply impossible to attempt to remain quiet inside the chamber unless one is standing completely still. Characters traveling through the room will trigger a chance of a random encounter. Anyone traveling through the room can be easily heard by anyone in either adjoining cavern.

6/29: The Kitchen

This oddly shaped natural limestone cavern is roughly 45 feet long by 35 feet wide with 15 foot tall ceilings. The room has three rippled limestone pillars that rise up from the floor like the trunks of great trees. This chamber has the look of a kitchen about it. There is a large, rusted iron cooking range with a stove pipe coming out of it and sticking into the wall, and an ancient wooden table against the eastern wall. A series of rusted metal chains have been fixed to the cavern wall with metal cleats. At the end of each chain is a manacle. The sound of lapping waves can be faintly heard from within the chamber with no obvious source. A damp fishy smell hangs in the air here.

  • East: There are two entrances into this chamber, both originating on the eastern end of the cave. A narrow natural tunnel in the northeast leads back to cave 6/28. In the southeast, an iron-banded wooden door leads to a small T-section hallway carved out of the living rock. Traveling further east will bring one to the door to room 6/30. Taking the southern passage will take one down a long corridor to a heavy stone door that separates the corridor from the vaulted hallway beyond it.
  • The Range: The ancient doors to the range’s firebox have long ago rusted shut. With a successful Open Doors check a character can force the doors open and discover some hidden treasure! Poorly hidden among the ashes of ancient cookfires are four 50-pound ingots of gold worth 500 gp each, two jars of rancid lamp oil, and a stoppered glass bottle with a Scroll of Striking and two Scrolls of Wall of Fire inside it.
  • The Secret Doors: If characters are quiet enough, they can discern that the noise of lapping water is coming from the other side of the secret door on the western wall. A cool but stinky breeze can also be felt and smelled coming from the edges of the secretly concealed door. If the fake wall is pushed back, it will slide backwards on a concealed track behind the door and move to the side to reveal a small chamber. From within the concealed chamber, one can see a handle on the opposite wall. The handle is mirrored on the inside of the concealed door from room 6/29. By pulling on either door from inside the concealed chamber, one can open the secret door with ease. Beyond the door is the shore of a vast underground sea.

6/30: Faded Glories

This chamber is constructed out of dressed sandstone blocks and is 25’ long by 20’ wide with 10’ tall ceilings. The only things within the room are three ancient wooden chairs and a few other scattered bits of wood on the floor. Some planks show signs of burning. The four walls of this room are covered in the fractured remains of fading painted plaster murals. The murals depict barren wastelands of striated stone mesas and smoldering, smoking craters dappled with the occasional spikey looking cactus. An angry red sun dominates the eastern wall. Loops of brass have been fixed to the walls around the entire chamber every few feet to allow for ample torches to occupy the chamber.

  • East: Through a short ten-foot-long corridor on the eastern end of the room can be found a heavy bronze door, its surface etched with verdigris. This door leads to room 7/1 beyond.
  • West: On the western side of the room is a battered and hacked wooden door. Beyond the door is a hallway leading to either room 6/29 or down to the vaulted hallway to the south.

7/1: The Bedchamber

This chamber is made of dressed sandstone blocks and measures 35’ long by 30’ wide. The ceiling within the chamber is 10’ tall. The room is bifurcated by a thin interior wall that splits the chamber between north and south. Behind the wall is a carved stone sleeping platform with shaped stone headrests for pillows. There is a long wooden table and a carved stone chair here as well. In the northern half of the room are two rusted iron chains fixed to the wall by iron cleats, each with a chain that has a manacle attached to the other end. On the western end of the chamber near the entrance is a small niche carved out of the wall  with the remnants of candlewax still pooled at the bottom of it.

  • East: On the eastern side of the room is a locked bronze door that leads to cave 6/27.
  • West: The room can be entered on the western side by a heavy bronze door between this room and room 6/30.
  • Atop the Table: Atop the table are a few crumbling pages of parchment and a thick brass key with an ornate handle. The parchment is a letter written in Demonic, detailing the writer’s obsession with acquiring more slaves for some kind impending sacrifice. The letter gives very specific details on which of the elf, dwarf, mantis folk, or human slaves were to be brought to him and how they are to be prepared for the ritual. The only actual details about the ritual sacrifice are that it is being performed to ameliorate  powerful fire elementals  and gain their magical aid. The letter is incomplete, ending abruptly mid-sentence. The key that can also be found atop the table can be used to lock or unlock either bronze door to this room.

The Underground Sea

To the west of the dungeon level through a set of large double doors can be found an absolutely titanic cavern. The cave ceiling and its farthest shores are completely swallowed by the immense darkness that permeates this chamber. Formed in long-ago eons far from the light of the sun or stars, this underground expanse of inky black water seems to stretch on into nothingness. The reality is that these dangerous waters are also replete with vast wonderous and immense wealth and power. Far to the west lie the technocratic city-states of the lizard folk, and other awe inspiring dangers never before glimpsed by surface dwellers. The lizard folk who occupy cavern 6/24 have two metal boats with odd metal boxes hanging off the ends where the rudder should be pulled up onto the shore to the south of the double doors. To the north, the shore runs for another 200 feet along the cavern wall before ending at the waterline. Keen-eyed characters may be able to just make out an island of some kind looming out of the abyssal waters of the sea to the northwest. 

June’s Encounter Table:

  1. 2d6 Lizardfolk with odd electronic backpacks are taking field samples of minerals from the walls of this chamber.
  2. Two odd broken wooden shafts with metal and glass baubles attached to each of the shafts like spearheads lie on the floor here.
  3. Two Carcass Crawlers are fighting with each other over who gets to devour half of a zombie that is trying to crawl away.
  4. 1d4 Lizardfolk, some with stun batons (1d8 and save against paralysis or become paralyzed till the end of your next round), carving up the dead body of a carcass crawler.
  5. Three severed arms of a Hook Beast.
  6. 2d6 Zombies listlessly trying to recreate a popular folk dance with each other.
  7. 1d6 Giant Cave Crabs (use regular Giant Crabs) inspecting the area for a new home.
  8. The Sound of clicking can be heard coming from the direction of a previously unexplored area.
  9. 1d6 Hook Beasts digging a warren in a corner of the chamber.
  10. Odd wet tracks of web-footed bipeds that head off toward the west of the map.

Friday, June 23, 2023

The Encyclopedia Boaxia

 Enjoy this collection of ancient woodland spells, relics, and more for use in the Cairn rpg and other rules light NSR games. If you like this article, try some of my other location based articles

The Encyclopedia Boaxia

A Collection of the history, magic, and legends of the Forest of Boax compiled by the Venerable Jodinius the Lesser of Kelest


Compiled from the collected works of Lizadrus of Fostineg, Kostafolos Kolmbabi, Zagni the Greater, Tutani Magister, and Pseudo Narchaus Amoulius.


What you see before you is the culmination of a long an arduous task - to collect all knowledge pertaining to the ancient and little explored Forest of Boax. Before the forest of Boax came under the rule of the Glorious Empire, the people of the wood were seldom recorded, and their history and magic was almost lost but for a few brave souls who worked to illuminate this far-flung corner of the world. Now that the imperial peace reigns in Boax, our most wise emperor has commissioned this grimoire to set down the knowledge of the forest for all posterity. With the works of previous scholars and my own extensive notes taken on my many journeys through the wood, I have completed the tome you now read. May the Emperor reign for a thousand years!

-High Lictor Luden of Tamrite, Blessed of the Temple of the Emperor



The Forest of Boax:

The Forest of Boax is an ancient and seldom-trod woodland. It is bounded on its eastern and northeastern sides by the Grutar and Tanglefall mountains, on its northwestern side by the high plains of Andladosh, to the west by the Fangrock Hills, and to the south by the great rolling plains of Separtra and Goeasha. It is part of what was once called the Great Forest, for it stretched the length of the whole continent in ancient times. Though it is now much diminished, it still occupies a massive area, roughly 3.6 million hectares of forest. To this day, the Forest of Boax contains many giant old-growth trees, including massive oaks, pines, and black alders. Herds of red deer and forest oxen move back and forth across the forest, depending on the seasons. Foxes, eagles, hawks, wolves, and small forest cats are also known inhabit the dark realm under the canopy.

There is only one road that traverses the woodland, known as the Forest Road,  or sometimes the “new road” by the locals. Most trade is done by river. The drifting waters of the Liganore and Hilsen rivers eventually meet to form the mighty Bruilsenore that wends its way south before exiting the forest and eventually meeting the sea. Merchants haul lumber, hides, giant-bee’s wax, medicinal herbs, and gems from the mines down the Bruilsenore to the trading centers of the empire. Boax is ruled from Cutter, a logging town deep in the forest that straddles the Liganore River and stands as a staging area for loggers and others collecting goods for trade. Cutter is the seat of House Wend, whose duke rules the Forest of Boax in the name of his majesty, the Emperor.


A Forest of Plenty

The Forest of Boax is filled with unique fungus, fruit, and other botanicals. Players usually have a 1-in-6 chance of successfully foraging, which takes d6 hours each attempt. Tools such as a magnifying glass may add 1 or 2 to the likelihood of success.  Much of the knowledge of these edible wonders has been lost over the years. Below you will find a few tables filled with the botanical bounty of the forest.


Mushrooms & Fungus


Nether Caps: Small thin stalks with bone-white caps and mustard-yellow gills. If consumed, save vs. Will or fall unconscious for 10 x target’s Will score in minutes.


Manticore’s Mane: An orange shaggy fungus that resembles a manticore’s mane. Tastes like snails when cooked. If consumed, it will produce soothing deep sleep that fortifies the body. Once the consumer has awakened from their slumber, they heal d4 Str immediately.


Blue Celia: Translucent blue sheets of fungus that grow on the eastern side of walnut trees. If consumed, the Blue Celia will elicit feelings of euphoria and uncontrollable laughter.


Faerie’s Ear: This speckled green and red ear-like fungus grows near faerie nests. If dried and burned as incense, the smoke can deter fey creatures.


Likesop: A spongey, light brown puffball fungus. When crushed up into a powder and added to water, the Likesop will pull out toxins and poisons, rendering the liquid drinkable.


Wanderer’s Torch: This lichen is mottled brown, red, and dark green. When lit, it burns twice as bright as normal light sources.  



Fruits of Boax


Crimson Forest Apples: These dappled blood-red and crimson apples are about the size of a cherry and taste tart and sweet. They can be found all around the forest. The Boaxians collect them and make cider for their religious festivals out of them.


Lemma Berries: These are musky blue berries about the size of a pinky nail. They grow in large bushes and are usually found in the low-lying valleys of Boax. The berries are musky and sweet and can be dried and steeped to make an invigoratingly bracing tea.  


Sidereal Pears: These silver-gold pears grow in sacred groves hidden within the forest. They bloom and ripen only in starlight and are highly sought for their exceptional flavor and texture. If turned into cider, a swig will restore d4 points of Dex.


Duck Berries: These large, oblong green berries are incredibly tart and can be made into a wonderful jam. Duck Berries are the favorite food of Sedgelings and Cockatrices.  


Dwarf Plums: These are thumb-sized deep purple plums with an earthy sweetness and honey-like aroma. A handful of Dwarf Plums can satisfy a person’s dietary needs for an entire day.


Creeping Lemon: These strangling vines bear lemon-like fruits with notes of sour and bitter. The peels of the Creeping Lemon can be used to make a poultice that can cure fever and help sooth toothaches. 



Other Botanicals


Red-Threaded Berl Leaf: These tightly packed leaf buds are green with red threads growing from the stem. If dried and smoked, it makes a soothing evening pipe weed. Those who partake are filled with pleasant thoughts of home.


Labram Grass: This is a long, broad-leafed grass that can often be found in forest clearings. If chewed and left between the lips and gums it will fill the user with energy and aid in their alertness.


Wolf’s Moss: This grey and green moss can be applied to wounds to quickly stop bleeding and allow an injured person to stabilize quickly.  


Witchleaf: This red/green three-pointed leaf has a silvery sheen to it. If steeped, the Witchleaf makes a potent psychedelic tea that is often used by the native Boaxians in their religious ceremonies.


Silver Walnuts: These walnuts come from a dark gray-barked tree that bears silver leaves. The nuts are said to sharpen the mind and calm the nerves. The walnuts often horded by the wood-wise scholars of the forest realm to aid in their research of magical knowledge.   


Fanlon Pine Needles: These deep green pine needles are approximately eight inches long and grow in clusters of six. Brewing the needles in hot water yields a restorative tea that allows those who drink it to heal d4 Str damage.   


Beasts of the Wild Woods

Boax is a dangerous and uncivilized place. Wild beasts, dangerous humanoid tribes, and magical creatures red in tooth and claw inhabit the forested wild. Below you’ll find a small collection of creatures who inhabit the primaeval forest. These are but a short list of the many beasts and monsters that a party may encounter in the deep wood.

Red Deer

8 HP, 12 Str, 14 Dex, 5 Wil

Antler Gouge (d8)

-These large deer are considered the kings of the forest. They travel back and forth across the forest over the course of the year, and a sighting of one is considered very lucky. The pelts and antlers of Red Deer are sought after by both Boaxian and imperial merchants.

-Critical Damage: A buck will throw a combatant with their large rack of antlers, dealing an additional d4 damage and throwing the target 15’ away.


Blue Forest Oxen

6 HP, 16 Str, 8 Dex, 3 Wil

Horn Gouge (d6)

-The oxen that inhabit Boax have bluish hides due to the prevalence of certain strains of moss that grow naturally in their fur. They are very large, almost as large as a wagon, and have bad tempers.

-Forest Oxen are often worshiped by small local cults as protectors and bringers of the spring rains.


Leopard Serpent

4 HP, 16 Str, 11 Dex, 3 Wil,

Bite (d6)

-Leopard Serpents can grow up to 12 feet long. Their ferocious leopard-like heads and fuzzy spots make for a formidable sight.

-Leopard Serpents use their spots as natural camouflage in the undergrowth and as a result can be very hard to spot.

-Critical Damage: The Serpent wraps itself around the target, immobilizing them.



8 HP, 1 Armor, 13 Str, 5 Dex, 8 Wil,

Strangle (d6)

-Woodwyrds resemble twisted trees with wicked faces growing out of the trunks. Legends say that Woodwyrds were benevolent tree folk before they were corrupted by a black meteor that fell upon the forest over half a millennium ago.

-Woodwyrds hate humans and see them as trespassers in their forest. They often work with evil fey to entrap and kill humans.

-Critical Damage: The Target must succeed at a Str save or be bound up in the Woodwyrd’s branches, unable to do anything but struggle to escape. (They may make further saves to free themselves on their subsequent rounds.)



4 HP, 1 Armor, 9 Str, 10 Dex, 6 Wil,

Thorny Punch (d6)

-Briarlings resemble child-sized humanoids made of woven briars.

-Briarlings have excellent camouflage in the thick underbrush and love to ambush their prey if possible.

-Briarlings are the speculated to be the result of some hereunto unseen corruption that lies deep within the forest.



3 HP, 5 Str, 12 Dex, 14 Wil,

Tiny Sword (d3)

- Sedgelings

 are winged faeries that resemble a cross between a humanoid and a daisy puffball. They are wicked vermin who love to inflict mischief and malice on mortals who travel the wood.

-Sedgelings like to nest in the boughs of Woodwyrds, aiding the evil trees in their mischief.

-Once per day, Sedgelings can cast a single spell. (1. Charm 2. Miniaturized 3. Auditory Illusion 4. Shuffle)



8 HP, 2 Armor, 10 Str, 9 Dex, 14 Wil,

Flesh to Flora (d8)

-Spirits of the old-growth trees, Dryads are sought out for their knowledge and protection. They can make trees and bushes grow at will (as per Control Plants).

-Dryads resemble maidens made of wood and moss with piercing green eyes that glow.

-Critical Damage: The target becomes the focus of attacks from all forest birds in a half mile radius. The target takes an additional d4 damage per turn for the next d4 turns from these attacks.



5 HP, 8 Str, 10 Dex, 6 Wil,

Poisonous Bite (d4 Dex)

-This feared forest beast resembles a long-tailed chicken with the head of a lizard.

-A Cockatrice’s feathers are believed to be useful in anti-paralytic potions.

-Critical Damage: The target is paralyzed for the next five minutes.


Giant Stink Beetles

4 HP, 1 Armor, 11 Str, 7 Dex, 3 Wil,

Gnashing Mandibles (d4)

-These large insects are the size of a dog and can release a potent-smelling odor if It feels threatened.

-Giant Stink Beetles are often encountered in the low-lying forest valleys of Boax.

-Critical Damage: The beetle releases a smelly liquid that deals d4 blast damage to the will of the target and anyone surrounding them who can smell.


Giant Toads

3 HP, 4 Str, 4 Dex, 3 Wil,

Tongue Lash (d6, range 10’)

-This brown and ochre toad species grows to the size of a large dog.

-Giant Toads use their natural camouflage to ambush their prey and can be found near slow-moving bodies of water.

-Critical Damage: The toad’s tongue sticks to the target and pulls them into its mouth, immobilizing the target until they can take an action to free themselves.  


Timber Wolf

6 HP, 14 Str, 12 Dex, 6 Wil,

Vicious Bite (d8)

-The timber wolves of Boax stand almost chest high and are the size of ponies. Their coats are dun brown and black with patches of white on their chests.

-Timber wolves roam in packs of 2d6 wolves and can be heard at night all across the woodlands.

-Critical Damage: The timber wolves manages to get a hold of the target and drag it to the ground.


Boaxian Woodfolk

4 HP, 12 Str, 14 Dex, 10 Wil,

Bronze Spear (d8, Bulky)

-The Woodfolk of the Boax are a diminutive race of humans, standing no taller than 5’6” tall. They have ruddy skin and dark brown hair with green or slate gray eyes and soft noses and chins.

-The Boaxians are said to still practice ancient woods magic and have much knowledge of the forest and its dangers.

-For every four Boaxians there will one who has a single spellbook of (1.Hear Whispers 2. Control Plants 3. Control Weather 4. Tree Stride).


Giant Honeybees

Detachment, 6 HP, 6 Str, 14 Dex, 2 Wil,

Stingers (d4)

-Giant Honeybees are about the size of a fist and are part of huge hives built inside the trunks of dead trees.

-Giant Honeybee honey is said to be a delicacy, and their wax is highly prized across the empire.

-Giant Honeybees can be lulled into a stupor by wood smoke.



8 HP, 2 Armor, 16 Str, 12 Dex, 10 Wil,

Bite or Claw (d6)

-Werewolves are half men, half wolf. They can appear as men but can transform into a hideous amalgam of human and wolf at will.

-It is widely believed that Werewolves are the result of a curse that falls on those who slay their own kin. Silver weapons ignore a werewolf’s armor score when applying damage.

-Critical Damage: The werewolf is so ferocious it causes the target to make a Will save or flee the battle in terror.


Wicker Man

10 HP, 2 Armor, 13 Str, 8 Dex, 6 Wil,

Swat (d10)

-Wicker men are the magically-animated large wooden sculptures of humans made of woven branches. Wicker men are the result of an evil ritual practiced by the cults that live in the deep woods. An innocent is sacrificed to the wood gods and the corpse is placed inside the wicker man to activate it.

-Wicker men abhor human settlements and farms and will cause havoc if left unchecked.

-Critical Damage: The target is grabbed by the Wicker Man and imprisoned in the creature’s chest where it is slowly drained of its lifeforce, dealing d4 Str damage for every turn spent inside the creature’s chest.


Magics of the Great Wood

The Forest of Boax is an ancient woodland, and the all the strange magics that it has been witness to have left an impression on the land and its people. It is said by the Boaxians that they learned their wood magic (called Wood Kenning by them) from the Dryads whose shelter they often sought. This would go along way in explaining the propensity of spells having to do with the forest and trees. Below you will find a collection of spells omitted from standard magical texts - ancient spells of wood, wing, and claw. Practice all magics with due caution lest a horrible fate await you.

Tree Stride: You may enter the trunk of a living tree and exit from the trunk of a different living tree 100 feet or less away.

Dowse: You immediately know the direction of potable water sources, but not the distance to them.

Person to Plant: A living target that is touched will transform into a tree or bush of similar size for the remainder of the day.

Call of the Wolf: You immediately let out a loud howl, attracting all wolves within a two-mile radius.

Camouflage: Your clothes, skin, and hair change color into the colors of the natural world and you can pass through the wilderness without leaving a trace.

Tree Sight: After touching a tree, you can see as though you were standing atop it.

Acorn Boat: An acorn cap dropped into the water will enlarge and transform into a boat that holds four persons.

Aphasia: The target hears and speaks only gibberish for the next hour.


Relics of the Forest

The magics of Boax are not kept simply in its spellbooks. Over the last 6,000 years, Boax has seen a flourishing of ancient relic crafters. Boaxian enchanters were once some of the most sought after magicians in the ancient past, and the magical relics found within the forest are remarkable proof of the skills of the ancient Boaxians.

Spear of the Summer Champion: 1 charge. This ornately carved wooden spear has the air of the ancients about it. The Spear of the Summer Champion was once awarded to a commoner who masqueraded as a forest noble to win the heart of the High Chief’s daughter. This spear is considered magical and ignores the first point of armor the opponent is wearing per attack. In addition, you may spend a charge to summon a Red Deer to ride as a mount. The deer will bring you to the next location you state within the wood. Once you’ve arrived, the deer will bound away into the woods. Recharge: Bury the spear on the shore of a sacred forest pool on a full moon and leave it until the subsequent new moon.

Animal Mask: 2 charges. There are as many animal masks as there are varieties of animals in the forest. Each mask resembles the face of a specific type of animal. Those who wear the mask may expend a charge to speak and understand the language of the animal the mask depicts. Once a charge is spent to activate the relic, the ability will last for one hour. Recharge: Anoint the mask with the blood the animal depicted on the mask.

The Horn of Might: 3 charges. The horn is said to be that of a legendary hero who was known for their relentless ferocity.  By blowing a strong report on this ornately gilded signal horn, the wielder regains d4 lost Str. Recharge: Bathe the horn in honey and milk.

Ironwood Ring: 3 charges. The knowledge of the creation of such wonders is a  secret held tightly by the sacred Wise Women of the Boaxians. By expending a charge from the smoothly carved ironwood ring, the bearer can command plants to grow from the earth to create a ladder of living vines. The ladder can be no longer than 50 feet. Recharge: Bathe the ring in the source of the Hilsen River, deep within the wood.

Shimmering Cloak: 2 charges. Legend says that these captivating accessories were found in the ancient ruins that crowd the eastern edge of Boax. This ankle-length cloak is made of a lightweight, sheer reflective fabric. When the wearer expends a charge, the cloak will render them invisible if they are in a woodland environment. Recharge: The cloak must be brought to an open glade and laid out in the summer sun for one week.

Dodge Stone: 2 charges. These beautiful green artifacts are sometimes found in the mines of the northern wood. The hand-sized jade stones are inscribed with intricate magical runes. While holding a stone, the possessor may expend a charge to cast Target Lure. The target of the spell when cast this way is always the Dodge Stone. Recharge: This Stone must be left at the crossing of two leylines for a night and a day.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

June: Week Three

 Welcome dungeoneers, to another full week of dangerous chambers for your players to explore and exploit. This week brings with it rooms filled with ancient knowledge, royal grandeur, and weird science! You will read about an arcane altar of ice, a chamber lit by a glowing forcefield, and the lapping shores of an ancient chthonic sea! If you want to get reacquainted with this level, check out week one. If your looking for a cool idea for your game's new antagonists, check out this article on brigands. 

Week Three

6/18: The Empty Room

This carved stone room is 45’ wide by 40’ long with 20’ tall ceilings. The walls show the myriad tool marks of countless chisels and picks. An errant stepladder about six feet long leans against the western wall next to two silk pillows and a couple of empty ration jars. The smell of perfume hangs in the air.

  • North: A 10’ wide hallway with 20’ tall ceilings connects this chamber to the vaulted hallway to the north that runs perpendicular. There appears to be holes drilled into the sides of the entrance hallway where it meets the vaulted hall, a clear indication that doors once stood here. 
  • South: On the southern wall, another 10’ wide hallway connects this chamber to room 6/19.
  • East: A wooden door separates this room from a long hallway that leads to the east before connecting to room 6/21.
  • West: The wall on the western side of the room has a hole in it from where water has eroded away a natural tunnel that now extends from the western wall of this room to cave 6/23. This tunnel is roughly five feet in diameter, forcing human-sized creatures to crawl if they wish to proceed down the tunnel.

6/19: A Residence

This 40’ by 45’ room is made of polished limestone with 20’ tall ceilings that have been painted to look like a trellis covered in vines. The walls have all been painted in idyllic woodland scenes. The chamber is split lengthwise by a thin stone wall with a doorway in it. The western room has a wall covered in rusted iron chains, and each of the eight lengths of chain are fashioned to the wall by an iron cleat. The eastern room contains a bedroom of sorts, with a large carved stone resting platform with stone headrests. The bedroom also contains two exquisitely carved wooden chairs, two small round tables with empty ceramic oil lamps, and a small credenza. The doorway that splits the chamber looks to have once held a door, though that is nowhere to be seen now.

  • North: On the northern wall, a 10’ wide hallway connects this chamber to room 6/18.
  • South: On the southern wall, a 10’ wide corridor links this room to chamber 6/20.
  • The Credenza: The credenza contains a pile of moldy, moth-eaten silk clothes, a beautiful yellow-gold and platinum necklace with interlocking hoops of gold and platinum (600 gp), a ring of carved ivory (250 gp), a ring of silver with a yellow topaz set in it (400 gp), and a ring of yellow-gold with small chips of amethyst, green jade, and red carnelian set all over the top of it (Ring of Telekinesis).
  • The Chains: Each length of chain is approximately 10 feet long and has a manacle attached at the end. The chains are rusty, but most are still strong.

6/20: The Main Residence

This polished limestone chamber is 45’ by 40’ with 20’ tall ceilings. The entire room has been painted a dark but inviting shade of green. This chamber has been separated into smaller rooms by two small stone walls, much like room 6/19. The first room one comes across when entering from the north is a simple entrance room with an altar in the corner made of magically preserved ice. The slab is shiny with ancient of dried blood.

Through the wide doorway to the south is the other room, a beautifully appointed bedroom. There is an ancient faded green chaise lounge next to a small table with an empty ceramic oil lamp resting atop it. In the back corner there is a stone resting platform with stone headrests. Next to it is a beautifully carved wooden chair and table like the ones in room 6/19. On the wall directly opposite the norther corridor is a set of two iron chains attached to the wall by iron cleats.

  • North: A 10’ wide hallway on this wall connects this chamber to chamber 6/19.
  • East: On the eastern side of the room is an iron-banded wooden door. The door appears to be stuck, but in actuality the doorknob is false. The door itself actually opens on the opposite end than what the knob’s placement appears to indicate. If one takes a closer look at the door, one can notice the nails on the door are all countersunk, except one nail that juts out a little in the top right corner of the door. If that nail head is pressed in, a click will emanate from the door and it will pop open. A footswitch on the wall of the corridor concealed behind the door opens it from the other side.
  • The Chains: Each length of chain is approximately 10 feetlong and has a manacle attached at the end. The chains are rusty, but most are still strong.
  • The Altar: The altar is made of a slab of magically preserved ice. Mist constantly billows off the top and rolls down the sides of the altar. Atop it sits a jagged black iron candelabra with two jet black candles nestled on it, a silver bell (100 gp), and the bronze holy symbol of the fire demon Aghlakak. Any spell cast within 10 feet of the altar is cast as though the caster were two levels higher than they actually are.

6/21: The Hall of Kings

This long, polished limestone room is 25’ wide by 80’ long with 40’ tall ceilings. The length of the room is dominated by seven granite statues of ferocious tiger-headed humanoids with backwards facing hands. The northernmost statue is twice the size of the others. All the statues are accompanied by bronze placards with odd demonic script written on them.

  • South: A small hallway on the southern wall leads to a locked stone door to room 6/22.
  • West: A 75-foot-long corridor on the northern end of the western wall connects this chamber to room 6/19.
  • The Statues: Starting on the northern end of the room and working down the statues are:
    • Rakshasa the Great. The Demon King, he from whom the Great Race take their name. Blessings of fire be upon him.
      • Wearing baggy pants and riding boots with a long coat over them. Rakshasa is wearing a baldric with a wicked looking sword strapped to it (the blade resembles the Ghoul Seed in room 5/29.), diadem that resembles a crown of ferns, and a necklace studded with eight rubies (500 gp each.)
    • Zurkonai Redtooth. The Wall Breaker, he that sailed a sea of blood at Aknar. Blessings of fire be upon him.
      • Wearing similar clothes to Rakshasa with a large sash across his waist and a turban, Zurkonai has two serpentine daggers in his backwards hands and a large tome strapped to his back. He too wears the diadem of ferns.
    • Jamresh Ash Lord. The Conqueror, he who fashioned an empire of iron and blood. Blessings of fire be upon him.
      • Wearing flowing robes and a long cloak with a wide sash round his middle, Jamresh holds an orb in his left hand while his right rests upon the hilt of a long sword. He wears a crown with spikes over top of his diadem of ferns.
    • Ultiponai The Wicked. The Scourger, he who made a meal of his rivals. Blessings of fire be upon him.
      • Wearing long baggy pants, a long shirt, and a short cape, Ultiponai wears a baldric with a wide triangular dagger attached to it and wields a scourge with seven whips. He wears a crown of spikes with patterns of ferns beaten into it.
    • Faraq Slave Binder. The Iron Lord, he who broke the enemy upon his wheel. Blessings of fire be upon him.
      • Wearing billowy pants, a long robe, and a wide sash, Faraq wears a harness with many daggers strapped to it and a turban. Over top of the turban is a crown of spikes with patterns of ferns beaten into it.
    • Baidasa Twist Talker. The Blood Drinker, he who bound the Gesh of Tibor and made of them his fodder. Blessings of fire be upon him.
      • Wearing billowy pants, a long shirt, and a thin sash with an overcoat over top of everything, Baidasa holds a rod with a tiger head at the end in his left hand and an orb in his right. He also wears the same crown of spikes with fern patterns on it. If the rod in the statue’s hand is twisted, a small, concealed compartment in the statue’s back will open, revealing a small sack of 20 quarter-inch sized rubies each worth 200 gp.
    • Qorlimesh Fire Friend. The Axe of the Demon, he who burned the towers of Liggak and rent the realms of Togrash twain. Blessings of fire be upon him.
      • Wearing close-cut pants and a long shirt with a thin sash round his middle, Qorlimesh holds the same tiger-headed rod as the previous statue, and in his right hand he holds small cage. He wears the crown of spikes as well.

6/22: The Library

This is a polished limestone room, 50’ long by 45’ wide with 15’ tall ceilings. Glowing white crystals have been installed along the walls every two feet, fitted into ancient brass lamps for permanent illumination. The room is dominated by 24 bookshelves and a long wooden table with carved wooden chairs set around it. The bookshelves are filled with books of all sizes and colors. The smell of book glue and leather is strong in the air here.

  • North: A locked stone door made of carved marble can be found on the northern wall. The door leads to a corridor that will direct explorers to room 6/21. (The door requires the loose knob to be pressed in before the lock will allow a key to rotate and unlock the door.)
  • East: A heavy wooden door on the eastern wall leads to a hallway that travels to room 6/16.
  • West: On the western side of the room is an iron-banded wooden door. The door appears to be stuck, but in actuality the doorknob is false. The door itself actually opens on the opposite end than what the knob’s placement seems to indicate. If one takes a closer look at the door, one can notice the nails on the door are all countersunk, except one nail that juts out a little in the top right corner of the door. If that nail head is pressed in, a click will emanate from the door and it will pop open. A footswitch on the wall of the corridor concealed behind the door opens it from inside the locked corridor.
  • The Collection: The bookshelves are filled with too many books to list here. General information on ancient history and  geography, the ancient empires of the Rakshasa, demons, dragons, gods of chaos, fire magic, ancient literature, and warfare can be easily acquired after 1d4 turns of searching. Specific information on these topics takes 1d4 hours to find. Detailed information on supernatural subjects will take 4d6 hours to find. The information-seeker cannot take any other significant action while searching the archive. This time may be broken up, however. There is a two-in-six chance that each search attempt will also uncover a random arcane scroll hidden in a book. After six scrolls have been acquired this way, no more can be found.

 6/23: The Sound of the Sea

This limestone cavern is  roughly 35’ long and 15’-20’ wide with 10’ tall ceilings with small stalactites hanging down. The smell of dead fish is wafting from somewhere to the southwest. In the same direction the sound of lapping water can be heard. The ground here has been disturbed by many feet.  

  • North: The walls of the cavern in the northeast corner have eroded away and now the northern wall has a tunnel going from this chamber to the vaulted corridor that runs east/west.
  • South: The southern end of the cave narrows into a tunnel that travels south, then west before it connects to cavern 6/24. The smell of rotting fish and the cacophony of waves echoing through the caverns emanates from this direction.
  • East: On the eastern end of the cave is a tunnel that leads back to room 6/18.

6/24: The Lizardfolk Camp

This immense limestone cavern is roughly 65’ long by 50’ wide with 25’ tall ceilings dripping with stalactites. The cavern interior is dominated by a glowing translucent half globe of scintillating green energy that casts chartreuse shadows across the cavern walls. Inside the clouded green dome are five tents, a couple of small braziers, and a large and unwieldy machine studded with wires, lights, and odd brass ornaments. The camp is inhabited by a group of green-skinned lizardfolk wearing odd goggles. They are all wearing harness, and some have packs strapped to them. The sound of waves crashing on a shore can be heard from the western end of the room. The air here smells of ozone and dead fish.

  • East: A natural tunnel on the eastern end of the room leads back to room 6/23.
  • West: The wall on the western end of the cavern has eroded way to reveal a truly massive cavern beyond containing an underground sea. Waves beyond lap upon the bone-white sand of the shore.
  • The Device: The device resembles a metal tank with metal panels attached. Large cylinders about a foot long are attached under the tank. Wires lead from multiple points on the control panels to the tank. The device is maintaining the green energy field. While it operates, a forcefield of green energy enrobes the machine at a distance of 20 feet. The energy field prohibits anything solid or magical from entering. The field is impervious to dispelling and can not be destroyed by brute force. The machine has enough charge to maintain operations for another two months before the power source must be replaced. Anyone wearing the copper and green glass bracelets the lizardfolk are wearing can pass into and out of the field without trouble.
  • The Lizardfolk: These lizardfolk are part of a technologically advanced underground society located further to the west. They are exploring the caves after having found anomalies in the area’s ambient magical fields due to the presence of the lemberite crystals in room 6/7. The lizardmen are led by their team leader, Ketsa, and their lead explorer, Locgral (who  can be found in room 6/7). Besides Ketsa, the group here consists of 1d6 +8 lizardfolk.
    • Mien: The lizardfolk are wearing some manner of leather harness, and they all have a copper bracelet with a glass bobble on it. Some have on odd, heavy cloth jumpsuits with leather kneepads, elbow pads, and belt. As well, they all have a set of leather and glass goggles. Ketsa can be identified by her high leather collar and the steel and copper square she wears as a badge of rank. Four lizardfolk wield Disruptor-Rays and Personal Energy Shields (see further down), while the rest have electro-batons (see further down).
    • Demeanor: Ketsa and the rest of their explorers are Lawful. She is cautious and takes the safety of her team very seriously. She won’t begin hostilities if she thinks a more peaceful solution is still tenable. Ketsa and the others speak to each other in a heavily accented form of Draconic, but she does know Undercommon, Dark Elf, and Goblin, as well as a smattering of Common. Ketsa and the others are willing to entreat with players that do not threaten them, and will consider a mutual exchange of information or possibly bartering for basic supplies. They Lizardfolk are eager to meet non-chaotic races for trade as well as to satisfy their intellectual curiosity.
    • Means: The majority of the lizardfolk wield electro-batons if they have to (1d8 and save or become paralyzed till the end of your next round). The four lizardfolk  who guard the camp wield Disruptor-Rays (1d8, missile 5’-50’/51’-100/101’-150’, save vs. paralysis or fall unconscious for ten minutes.) and Personal Energy Shields (use a charge to activate. Once activated, the shield negates the first two hits against the target. Can only be activated once an hour. 4 charges remaining). The Lizardfolk have two self-propelling boats stashed on the beach to the west. They are anchored against the shore to the southwest of this chamber. The Lizardfolk have advanced knowledge and magical acumen that they can also trade.
    • Desires: The lizardfolk are from a technologically advanced society to the west, across the underground sea beyond the chamber. They seek to understand their underground world, but have only just started to explore the caverns on this side of the sea. The lizardfolk seek knowledge on any parts of the dungeon that players have previously explored. They are also curious about the surface world, having dwelt under the earth for so long that they now view the world above as more than a little mythological.  

D100 Objects Laying About an Alchemist’s Sanctum

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