Four rotted humanoid finger bones tied to a
lanyard of braided copper wire.
A wooden teetotum with the numbers 1 through 10
painted on them.
A thumb-sized ball of red thread with two
needles sticking out of it.
Four thimbles, one made of carved bone, one of
copper, one of soap stone, and one of hardened leather.
A red, gold,
and black military ribbon given out for bravery.
A dark green felt hat with a wide brim and a
flat top.
A small brass cloak pin worked to look like a
bunch of grapes.
A set of
eating utensils made of steel and carved bone. it is contained inside a case
that looks like a fish.
A curved and smoothly carved piece of yew wood
marked with four notches.
10. The
flight feathers of a harpy eagle.
11. A
very thin reed flute.
12. A
bronze plate the size of a palm with an oak leaf motif etched into it.
13. A
fancy and rather garish silk handkerchief imprinted with a kaleidoscope of
colors and patterns.
14. A
foldable leather drinking cup marked with the sigil of the famous gnomish
artisan Gigilote.
15. A
small handheld woven wicker box and lid.
16. A
writing set consisting of two nibbed feathers, an ink pot, and a pot of sand
for blotting. This kit is all wrapped up in a neat deerskin roll.
17. A
painted yellow ceramic ocarina with only four holes.
18. A
pamphlet on children’s string games.
19. Half
a deck of cards.
20. A
small wooden box with a sliding lid that contains 20’ of fishing line and six
21. A
figurine of a giraffe carved out of a red stained mahogany wood.
22. A
red silk pair of women’s dress gloves.
23. A
Phrygian style hat in blue.
24. The
King’s Golden Lily, a medal given out to nobles for gallantry and honor in
25. A
half full half-keg of hard apple cider.
26. Just
the right hand of a pair of chainmail gauntlets.
27. A
hand-sized iron box. Its lid has a small grate built into it. This is commonly filled
with sand and an ember or two is placed inside the box then slipped into one’s
bed to help warm it in the wintertime.
28. A
small leather pouch containing four sticks of charcoal.
29. A
foot-long carved wooden ladle.
30. A
bronze cookpot that can hold up to a gallon of liquid.
31. A small leatherbound book on identifying
different species of dragons based on their head shapes.
32. A
small, polished bronze hand mirror.
33. Six
extremely sharp obsidian arrow heads.
34. A
book-sized placard with a film of wax melted on top, for writing messages.
35. A
small pouch containing around twenty flat, smooth stones perfect for skipping
across water.
36. A
painted cameo of a beautiful, matronly looking woman in a green dress.
37. A
glass goblet etched with the symbol of a powerful noble house.
38. A
leather case that hangs on the belt containing three small vials. One vial
contains holy water (1 damage to creatures with chaotic alignments), one vial
contains distilled alcohol mixed with wood ash, and the last vial contains lead
39. A
series of letters from a child to their distant parent. It is clear from the
messages that the parent left to fight as a soldier. The little girl can only
plead with him to return and never leave their farm again.
40. A
small soapstone jar with medicinal lip balm made of botanicals and animal fat
in it. (10 uses)
41. A
small glass jar and stopper. The jar is filled completely with wood shavings.
42. Three
lead soldiers. Their paint has started to rub off.
43. A
clam shell larger than an open hand.
44. A
deck of intricately painted fortune teller’s cards.
45. A
roll-up leather game board with almost enough pieces to play the Game of Kings.
46. A
set of brass hand chimes.
47. A
personal knife with an intricately carved horn handle.
48. A
mustard-yellow and burgundy sleeveless surcoat with painted horn buttons.
49. A
bracelet made of orc teeth strung together with copper wire.
50. A
small carved marble head of a dwarf, about the size of an apricot.
51. A
lead curse tablet with a curse asking the gods to strike the current town
leader down for their mean spirit and stingy nature.
52. A
book of 300-year-old dwarven poetry, mainly haiku.
53. A
ceramic beer stein twice the size of most steins.
54. A
pet hamster named Norman.
55. A
perfume bottle smelling of lilacs and honey with an individual use of perfume
still left in it.
56. A
small box made of thin strips of maple bark filled with incense.
57. A
yellow green scarf knitted from goat hair. It’s very warm.
58. A
set of knuckle bone dice carved from Gnoll bone.
59. Six
brass buttons cast to look like shields.
60. Two
elven-style wrist guards for archery, both made of beautiful and supple elk
skin and painted forest green.
61. A
lumpy clay figure of a laughing halfling clutching their belly.
62. A
bent and corroded copper ring with a small pink agate set into it.
63. A
simple apron-style dress made of dark red dyed linen.
64. A
carving of a songbird made out of quartz. It is big enough to fit in the hand.
65. A
scrimshawed deer antler the length of a human forearm, etched with figures of
lions and leucrota rearing up at each other.
66. A
kite made of thin, pink dyed linen attached to lashed river reeds. There is
about 200 feet of twine tied between the handle and the kite.
67. A
very old gold coin, larger in diameter but thinner than modern coins. A
menacing eye with lines of power emanating from it is on one side. On the other
are three spruce trees with three eight-pointed stars above them.
68. A
rattle made of a wolf’s leg bone and a small bladder of rawhide stuffed with
seashells that have been lashed together.
69. A
pair of boots with specially designed soles that leave dog tracks behind.
Three pages of thick paper with the middle
part of the epic poem, “The Saga of the Western Dragons” written on it.
70. A
ladle made of half a coconut shell lashed to a length of bamboo.
71. A
small leather case that holds eight beeswax candles, all a different shade of purple.
When burned, these candles produce a strong smell of clove, orange, and
72. A
four foot long cord attached to a flat piece of flat bark. When swung hard
around one’s head, this odd contraption makes a very loud, hollow whistling
73. A
thin iron chain with small weights at each end. When laid atop an open tome, it
keeps the pages open.
74. A
small brown jar filled with a fine ground mixture of cinnabar and mica dust.
75. A
functioning half foot-tall replica of a catapult made of wood, leather, and iron
76. Three
different leather eye patches, one made of green lizardman skin, one made of
blue painted pig leather, and one made of wyvern hide dyed a reddish purple.
77. A
protective metal cover and lock made of bronze, copper, and iron that is meant
to fit around a wizard’s tome to secure it from theft.
78. A
traveler’s salt cellar made of ebony wood secured by a brass latch.
79. A
beautiful hair comb made of thin plates of bone lashed together.
80. A
steel multi-tool that folds into a fork, knife, spoon, or toothpick.
81. A
long red and black peaked knit hat that is over three feet long and ends in a blue
82. A small goose down pillow with a brown case.
83. A
carved marble game board for the dwarven game known in common as High table. No
pieces remain, however.
84. A
four string gnomish lire with a sound box made of tortoise shell and a neck
made of a carved piece of rosewood.
85. A
small chapbook full of socialist musings on the failing policies of a local
86. A
toy composed of a carved handle with an open cup on top and a small ball
attached to the handle with some twine. The goal is to try and catch the ball
in the cup on the first try.
87. An
intricately tooled griffon leather sword sheath embedded with cast iron eagle
embellishments at the tip.
88. A
monocle with 10x magnification.
89. A
tied up package of chewy date candy. There’s about enough for six servings.
90. Blinds
and a bridle made for giant riding birds.
91. A
set of carved wooden alphabet stamps in the common script.
92. A
tin of loose leaf tea made from bay leaves, pine needles, and dried berries. There’s
about enough for eight cups of tea.
93. Seven
pieces of random broken pottery, all bearing the elven name Dellianna on them
94. A
yellow wool sash dyed with a pattern of repeating green olive trees, blue dolphins,
and light blue zephyrous curls of wind.
95. Fuzzy
earmuffs made of warm white yeti hair.
96. A
pair of brown leather fingerless gloves.
97. A
full set of oracle sticks carved out of badger bones.
98. A
set of gray basalt rocks that make enough sparks when they are struck together
to light a fire.
99. A
white rose that never withers or dies.
100. A simple marionette made of carved and painted
yew wood. The puppet resembles the local trickster deity.
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