Sunday, May 14, 2023

May: Week Three

 Salutations sinister spelunkers! Welcome to week three of the Crucible of Oxyus! This week we continue our exploration of the caverns and tunnels of level four. Read on to discover what fate awaits you! below you'll find caves filled with a sinister seething magical darkness, hunger-touched ghouls, and a company of dwarven miners striking it rich! Enjoy!

Week Three

5/15: The Waiting Silence

This chamber is a large, natural limestone cavern roughly 55’ at its widest and 75’ at its longest. The room has a ceiling that arches overhead as high as 25’. The southern half of the cavern is raised approximately 10 feet above the northern half by a ledge. The darkness that permeates this cavern is unlike normal darkness. Its inky blackness strangles natural light sources, dowsing any open flame brought into the chamber.  The air here is also thick with the sensation of being watched, as though the darkness itself was a skulking predator waiting to pounce.

  • North: There is a natural tunnel in the northwestern corner of the cavern that leads to a larger north/south-running tunnel. Characters may turn south to enter room 5/16 or turn north where another larger tunnel crosses east to west. The eastern end of the passageway leads back in the direction of room 5/8. The western path leads onward to room 5/17.
  • South: A passageway in the southern end of this chamber leads directly to room 5/20.
  • The Darkness: The darkness within this chamber is a remnant of the magical corruption that seeps from room 5/21. This supernatural darkness extinguishes natural light sources and halves the range of magical lights. Even infravision is reduced by half. If the spell Bless is cast as a ritual (taking 20 minutes to cast) it will destroy the magical darkness within the chamber for 24 hours and allow natural fires to burn within. If the magical darkness is dispelled, it becomes apparent that the walls have been covered in ancient cave drawings. Some are of gigantic bipedal lizards with mouths full of sharp teeth, while others show crude depictions of tiger-headed humanoids with backwards hands hunting woolly quadrupedal mammals with large horns on their snouts.

5/16: The Mossy Darkness

This moss-covered limestone cavern is roughly 90’ wide and 55’ long with 30’ tall ceilings. The walls of this chamber are covered in a variegated red and blue moss that has small blue fruiting bodies. The loamy smell of fresh earth and moss is pungent in this chamber. A small, shallow creek has formed further to the north of this chamber and flows down into the cavern and out to the south, the sound of trickling water bouncing off the stones.

  • North: The small creek runs down the natural stone steps in the north of the chamber and out through to the south. The northern tunnel that the creek travels through connects up to rooms 5/15 and 5/17, and eventually back towards room 5/8.
  • South: There is a narrow tunnel leading down and out of this chamber to room 5/19. This tunnel leads down over a natural set of limestone steps.
  • East: In the northeast of the cavern is a tunnel leading east to room 5/20.
  • West: In the southwest of the cavern is a convoluted tunnel leading eventually to room 5/18. The musty smell of mushrooms wafts from that direction.
  • The Moss: This is a type of cave moss known as Miner’s Respite. The dried moss can be steeped into a tea that, once drunken, heals 1d6 hp and leaves the body feeling like it has had a good night’s rest regardless of how long it has been since the imbiber has actually rested. There are 1d6 uses of moss clinging to the walls of the cavern near the running water that flows through the cave.

5/17: The Dwarves

This cavern is absolutely massive. At its longest it runs over 170 feet with a width between 20 to over 100 feet. There are stalactites and stalagmites strewn about the eastern half of the chamber, making the ceilings here appear convoluted.  The length of the formations vary from 10 to 50 feet. The western end of the cavern houses a small mining camp of over 20 well-armed dwarves. The dwarves are industriously mining away at large veins of a metallic green ore that covers the walls of the cavern. The sounds of pickaxes and mumbled Dwarvish trickles out from their encampment. The ghostly green-blue light of three lit brass braziers pull lurid shadows of aquamarine and pale cornflower blue across the cave walls.

  • East: The eastern end of the cavern is connected to the large tunnel with flowing water in it that continues south past the narrow entrance to this chamber. The eastern end of the cavern is full of stalactites and stalagmites of various sizes that obscure views through the cave. The light from both the special braziers (see below) and the dwarves’ cooking fire is not easily apparent from the cave entrance.
  • West: The only other way into the cave is in the western wall of the cavern. The passageway narrows and the ceilings drop down to five feet in height, making it difficult for those of human stature to pass without stooping. There is a lit brazier just like the others within the cavern only 15 feet down the passageway.
  • The Braziers: The braziers are made of heavy brass bands etched with arcane dwarven runes that glow a light blueish-purple. As long as the fires in the braziers are kept lit, their light will ward the area from any undead who may try to physically enter the illumination cast by the pale greenish-blue fires. If they do enter, they immediately take 2d8 magical damage every round that they stay within the glow of the strange magic braziers until they leave.
  • The Dwarves: These are the miners of clan Urg’Vesh, dwarves of the western continent who refer to themselves as Gworefs in their own tongue. This is the host of the brothers Izzkan Hardstone and Hendin Wayfinder who have come to these caverns to mine the rare and precious minerals found here. Both use the same stats as Dwarfs except they are HD 4 and have an AC of 17, having plate armor and shields. They wield warhammers and throwing axes. Hendin has +1 to all rolls. The brothers have assembled a motley band of miners. The miners wield pickaxes and boot knives if they have to take up arms.
    • Mein: The Gworefs of the western continent have skin of steel grey to charcoal black, with luminous eyes ranging from emerald green to sapphire blue to amethyst violet to gold or silver. Their hair ranges from coal black to auburn to a coppery metallic red.
    • Demeanor: The dwarves of clan Urg’Vesh are Lawful in alignment and though cautious, they will entreat with living characters who do not menace them or their operations. If shown respect and kindness they will reciprocate, and they can become a welcome ally to more Lawful parties exploring the Crucible. While Ulak is quiet and contemplative, he loves ale and isn’t above telling a bawdy joke or two. Hendin is the younger of the brothers. He is always smiling, even when furious. He loves poetry and has quite the singing voice.
    • Goals: The brothers have two main goals while they are down here. Firstly, they are looking for the remains of their ancestor Ulaz Brightaxe, hero of dwarven legend. Secondly, they are looking for the fabled mineral deposits Ulaz went in search of. They hope to mine a sizeable seam of yktinite and make a fortune selling it in their city where there are smiths that can still smelt umbral steel from the raw ore. While searching for information on the whereabouts of Ulaz Darkaxe they stumbled upon a lead - an ancient map scribbled on by Ulaz with the location of a large deposit of fabled yktinite. Ulaz had made a copy of the map and disappeared into the mountains over a century and a half ago in search of the deposit, never to be heard from again. The brothers financed this expedition through the mountains and into this dungeon, coming down from a large crack in room 5/10. They have not been able to meaningfully search for their kin though after they set up the mine, having been attacked multiple times by the hungry ghouls who wander this level of the dungeon.
    • Threats: The dwarves have lost men to the ghouls who lurk throughout this level. They will warn friendly characters about the supernatural darkness to the south (in rooms 5/15, 5/20, and 5/21) and that some more dangerous malevolence stalks the halls furth to the southwest, though they know not what it is. The dwarves have learned from experience that the ghouls like to congregate in the supernaturally-darkened caverns. If confronted with violence the dwarves will make a good show of it. They are used to working as a team and all the miners have spent time as militiamen and will utilize overwhelming force and tactics to crush any who attack them.
    • Means: The dwarves have pickaxes and boot knives, and their leaders wield warhammers. They have all the mining equipment they could need, including rope, pitons and hammers, torches, flint, tents, etc. They also have roughly three months of rations left. Hendin has a Luckstone that grants him a +1 to all die rolls. They did not come totally unprepared for the undead though. The magical braziers (see above) were brought by the brother’s other now-dead brother Nuri. Nuri was a priest of Agen Aatar, whom the dwarves revere above all other gods. He died soon after they arrived, having been one of the dwarves killed by ghouls. With his passing the dwarves now fear they have lost the favor of their Mountain Lord.
    • Needs: The dwarves need a lot. They are in a stalemate with the ghouls who can’t enter the chamber due to the braziers (see above) and the dwarves fear an attack if they leave the chamber to haul their ore back up the rope in room 5/10. They need help to get their ore out of the dungeon as well as to hold off the ghouls if they do show up again.
    • Quests: The dwarves seek any news of their ancestor Ulaz Darkaxe and his fabled Warhammer of Thunderbolts. They also wish to see the destruction of their ghoulish fallen dwarf comrades (they hate the undead and think of them as a perversion).
    • Gworef Names: Roll once for a first name and once for a nickname. 
    • First Name                                                                     Nickname
    1. Ulaz                                                                              Brightlantern
    2. Unak                                                                             Greymantle
    3. Ysval                                                                            Sharptongue
    4. Ytzark                                                                           Sureboot
    5. Sulrai                                                                            Truehammer
    6. Zetrin                                                                            Foeclaw
    7. Zesimmal                                                                      Redtooth
    8. Summaz                                                                        Axethrower
    9. Ynvoch                                                                         Mountainsinger
    10. Doltaz                                                                           Rainseer
    11. Olomhin                                                                        Candlecutter
    12. Delgash                                                                         Flamebrow
    13. Romhok                                                                         Shrewdmantle
    14. Fenzis                                                                            Greencloak
    15. Frekmal                                                                         Gemnose
    16. Ustozai                                                                           Orehammer
    17. Matik                                                                              Deepmind
    18. Remmen                                                                         Dreadtemper
    19. Aghlesh                                                                          Highboots
    20. Votunaz                                                                                Bluehood

  • The Mineral: To dwarves and other characters well versed in prospecting, geology, or alchemical metallurgy, this mineral is identifiable as yktinite. Yktinite can be smelted and refined into a legendary metal known as umbral steel. Umbral steel is lighter and stronger than regular steel and can be enchanted with spells of shadow and stealth very easily. It makes weapons that resist detection and can deal damage to a foe’s shadow itself. The knowledge to smelt and refine yktinite has been lost to all but the most learned and powerful alchemical smiths.
  • The Chest: Obscured behind one of the tents is a narrow crack in the rock that runs over 20 feet before terminating in a dead end. Hidden here is a thick wooden chest with a large steel lock on it that houses the clan’s pay for the expedition. (A total of 400 platinum coins.)

5/18: Mushroom Groves

This chamber is a rough limestone cavern stretching over 55’ long and 35’ wide with 35’ ceilings. The entire cavern is filled with large violet mushrooms as tall as an adult human. Smaller toadstools nestled amongst their larger brothers give the entire cavern the look of a forest grove somehow existing deep underground. The air within the cavern is thick with the musty stench of fungal spores. A tipped-over rusted lantern rests in middle of the chamber, its flame long since extinguished.

  • North: This chamber can be accessed on its northern end by a narrow tunnel coming from room 5/16.
  • South: The southern end of the cave stretches into a tunnel that winds down and to the west.
  • The Mushrooms: Scattered among the more ordinary mushrooms in the chamber are 2d4 Shriekers, large person-sized purplish toadstools that emit a high-pitched shriek when they are exposed to light or vibrations. They are not the true danger though, as growing throughout the cavern can be found 1d6+1 Violet Funguses, which appear very similar to Shriekers but will actually attack characters who get too close.
  • The Underbrush: The bones of many dead humanoids can be found scattered about the undergrowth if the room is thoroughly searched. As well as the lantern and the old bones, there is a small green glass tube with three metal prongs sticking out of one end (part of the levitation platform in room 5/1), and a small chest half destroyed by dry rot. Within the chest are three greenish steel ingots of umbral steel (they weigh 25 pounds a piece and are worth 1,000 gp each), the head of a small assayer’s hammer, and a glass bottle with a scroll of Continual Light and Bless stuffed in it. 

5/19: The Drain

This limestone cavern is roughly 60-75’ in diameter with a small river of water pouring down the tunnel from the room to the north. The water runs across the cavern floor and drains into a shallow natural basin with a dark crack in it where the wall and the floor meet. The sound of running water makes hearing anything quieter than a shout extremely difficult here. The ceiling arches 15’ overhead. The eastern wall of the cave has a large glyph painted in old, dried blood across it.

  • North: There is a series of steep natural stone steps carved out of the mountain by the relentless running of water from room 5/16 into this chamber. The water running over the steps makes it very difficult to traverse.
  • South: The southern end of the cavern narrows into a tunnel that leads further south.
  • The Glyph: Those well versed in ancient languages will recognize this as a glyph of warning. It is a kind of ancient tomb robber’s shorthand for life threatening danger. It points to somewhere south of the chamber.

5/20: Amongst the Dark and Doomed

This long limestone gallery stretches 70’ before it narrows back into a tunnel. It is 20-30’ at its widest with 40’ tall ceilings. The darkness that permeates this cavern is unlike normal darkness. Its inky blackness strangles natural light sources, dowsing any open flame brought into the chamber.  The air here is thick with the sensation of being watched, as though the darkness itself was a skulking predator, waiting to pounce. Those who press into the room will find debris and rotten wood piled up on either side of the chamber.

  • North: This chamber is higher up than room 5/16, but a natural stairway descends down to that chamber from the northern end of this room.
  • South: The southern end of the chamber narrows into a five-foot-wide tunnel that lead back to room 5/7.
  • East: There are two passages that enter this cavern from its eastern side. One tunnel goes to room 5/15, and the other to room 5/21.
  • The Ghouls: There are 1d6 ghouls standing silently in the darkness among the debris that litters the floor. They are always waiting, and they are always hungry.
  • The Darkness: The darkness within this chamber is a remnant of the magical corruption that seeps from room 5/21. This supernatural darkness extinguishes natural light sources and halves the range of magical lights by half. Even infravision is reduced by half. If the spell Bless is cast as a ritual (taking 20 minutes to cast) it will destroy the magical darkness within the chamber for 24 hours and allow natural fires to burn within.

5/21: The Altar of Darkness

This irregularly shaped limestone cave is approximately 45’ long by 25’ wide with ceilings over 20’ high. The darkness that permeates this cavern, just like caverns 5/20 and 5/15, is unlike normal darkness. Its inky blackness extinguishes natural light sources, dowsing any open flame brought into the chamber.  The air here is thick with the sensation of being watched as well. Those who manage to illuminate the cavern will find a thin black basalt altar stone at one end of the cave. There is a simple pewter decanter and 3 pewter goblets along with a clerical stole laid out on the altar stone. There is danger waiting here as well - ghouls hiding in the hungry darkness, ready to pounce!

  • South: This cavern can be accessed by the spiraling tunnel that connects to the cave on its southern end. This tunnel leads to cave 5/20 and is quite narrow.
  • The Altar: The Altar is a nondescript slab of black basalt. The pewter decanter is still filled with old fetid blood and the goblets are quite plain. Alongside them is a religious stole made of delicate black and red silk with skulls embroidered with thread-of-gold alongside the outer seam (worth 50 gp). Behind the altar stone is a curiously disturbed patch of dirt. If dug through, characters will find a moldering sack filled with 500 gold coins stamped with the face of Oxyus of Fenebrahn, two platinum goblets bejeweled with amethysts and rubies (worth 450 gp each), and a delicate silvered flamberge-style dagger with a golden hilt embedded with a fat emerald (worth 400 gp). The dagger is in actuality a silvered Venomous Dagger +1.
  • The Ghouls: The corruption of the altar is alluring to the ghouls, many of whom occupy the room in reverent awe of the nondescript altar stone. There are 2d6 ghouls within the chamber, but they are in a kind of daze, having collected in this chamber long ago to worship at the altar many years ago. They have remained here ever since. The ghouls will always lose surprise rolls while inside this chamber until the altar has been cleansed.
  • The Darkness: The darkening corruption that occupies these caverns emanates from the black basalt altar. This supernatural darkness extinguishes natural light sources and halves the range of magical lights by half. Even infravision is reduced by half. If the spell Bless is cast by a lawful or neutral cleric as a ritual on the altar stone, it will destroy the magical darkness that permeates caves 5/21, 5/20, and 5/15 and allow natural fires to burn within. The ritual lasts an hour, during which the cleric must burn or otherwise destroy 500 gp worth of ecclesiastical supplies (incense, candles, sacrificial offerings, etc) while concentrating for the entire ritual. If a lawful or neutral cleric prays for at least an hour at the altar after it has been cleansed, they will receive one additional use of the spell Silence 15’ Radius once a day regardless of their cleric level. 

 If you liked what you read and you want to start at the beginning of the whole dungeon, click here. To begin reading at the start of the level, click here.

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