Saturday, February 11, 2023

Fun With Tables

I don't think there is greater tool a DM can have than the right dice table. Pregame prep, at table inspiration, the right table can become the seed for the perfect moment for your players. I hope that you can find some inspiration for your own games in the offerings below. 


Sometimes just the suggestion of greater mystery can be just the catalyst your players need to pique their curiosity. I have often found that the suggestion of a danger can do a lot to challenge the players to engage with the fiction of the dungeon itself. When things have stalled and the players linger too long, feel free to throw one of these sounds at them as a way to goose them into action. The table is also great for nighttime wilderness exploration. A human-like cough from a copse of trees on a moonless night of sneaking has the potential to scare the bejeesus out of any hardened adventurer!

Sounds From The Darkness D20 Table:

1. A distant rasping cough.

2. Moans of pain and anguish.

3. Shuddering wet thumps.

4. The sound of whispers.

5. A single stifled laugh.

6. Sad music drifting on the air.

7. The wail of a baby cut short abruptly.

8. A muffled argument.

9. Hysterical laughter.

10. Chains rattling.

11. Rushed footsteps away.

12. Heavy breathing.

13. The bark of a dog.

14. A player’s one true love calling out for help.

15. The sound of furniture scraping along the ground.

16.The squeal of a door being opened.

17. A muffled, pleading voice. It suddenly transforms into shrieking then abruptly ends.

18. A chorus of children singing a local nursery rhyme.

19. Drumming in the deep.

20. A cat screeching.

Exotic markets can be an interesting place for adventurers to purchase odd and intriguing mounts for their further adventures. For the right player, the efforts they may go to acquire such fanciful and singular companions can occupy multiple session of play. Use the table below when you want to see what a merchant might have for sale in your next foreign caravanserai or what the king may have hiding in his royal stables. 

Riding Animals D10 Table:

1. A golden maned courser once owned by a famous knight. They follow their owner without being led, even into a dungeon.

2. A massive riding mastiff with dappled brown and white coat. they can smell liars.

3. A striped black and purple tiger who answers to whistled commands. They can understand Elven perfectly.

4. A desert colored monitor lizard, the size of a horse. They will defend their master with their life.

5. A riding raptor (Utahraptor) with green skin and blotches of red. They have excellent hearing and a ferocious bite.

6. A massive hawk with noble countenance. They can fly long distances with their master on their back.

7. A huge boa constrictor with a riding harness behind the head. They can go weeks without eating and can climb trees with their master on their back.

8. A jaunty riding snail with blue-green shell. They can ride for a week without rest.

9. A fierce black destrier with silver mane. They can easily find water when asked politely.

10. A giant russet-dappled brown ferret. They can move with exceptional stealth. 

Lastly we have a small table for those times when a black cat just isn't magical enough for a wizard. Besides a wizard's hat there isn't a more iconic piece of a magic user's kit than their familiar. As true as it is that some pet owners come to resemble their pets, it is even more so true with magic users and their familiars. Familiars help a wizard, witch, or sorcerer channel their magic and access their spells. A magic user isn't complete without a cool familiar. Enjoy the selection below of interesting wizard's familiars your players or their next adversaries will be quietly stroking as they monologue to the party. 

Wizards Familiar D10 Table:

1. A large pink toad.

2. A swarm of fireflies.

3. A friendly garden snake with small antlers.

4. A smiling turtle.

5. A floating red crystal.

6. A black cat with moon and star patterns in their fur.

7. A large tarantula.

8. A babbling lemon.

9. A cheeky imp.

10. A blue and yellow parrot who speaks Common and swears in Dwarven. 

I hope you enjoyed these weird and wacky tables. Comment below with your favorite entry! 

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