Sunday, February 26, 2023

First March Dungeon

 Welcome readers! This weeks dungeon begins our exploration into the second level of The Crucible of Oxyus. I've fully switched to an all digital map from now on. This way as I add to the month's map I can continue to expand the image until a complete level is revealed. Starting out this week we delve into the lair of the Blood-axes, a fearsome group of orcs who make the second level their home. Players must beware though, besides these ornery orcs there are trapped archives of fell magic, water fiends and a tapestry of beautiful aspect. Read on to find out what else is in store below!

Month Three

DM’s Note: All ceiling heights are 20’ unless noted otherwise.

2/27: The Central Shaft

This room is 45’ square with 50’ ceilings. A large central shaft descends through 100’ of stone from the central chamber on the first floor down to this large chamber. Just like the first floor, there is a central shaft in the middle of the room that descends further into the earth. The distant sounds of hammering can be heard from down the shaft. Near the lip of this shaft there is a rectangular metal box with glowing buttons and a lever, although fiddling with them doesn’t seem to do anything. Two 15’ wide pillared hallways with 30’ high ceilings lead out of this central chamber to the east and west.

  • North: There is a bronze door on this wall that is counterweighted to open by sliding up into a pocket in the wall. This door leads to room 2/28.
  • East: The pillared hallway is 95’ long and 15’ wide. There is a 10’ corridor leading north about halfway down and large bronze doors with a frieze depicting monstrous humanoids lining up to praise a sitting wizard are found at the end of the hallway itself.
  • West: A nearly identical pillared hallway leads further west from here. 

2/28: The Sitting Room

This 15’ by 25’ room looks to have once been a storage room but has since been repurposed into a sitting room. There is an old mildewed couch with purple and red upholstery situated across from a tapestry hung on the wall depicting a romantic woodland scene. The tapestry depicts an idyllic woodland in which two dark-haired lovers embracing before a host of woodland animals (worth 550 gp). There is also a small table with a rusted lantern set atop it.

  • North: A wooden door on this wall leads to room 3/1.
  • West: Behind the tapestry a secret door is hidden. The door can be opened by lighting the lantern and shining its light on the wall itself. The corridor beyond leads to the other side of the dungeon.

3/1: Lair of the Water Fiends

This dressed stone room is 25’ by 30’ with a large four-foot-deep pool of water in it. 5d10 platinum coins sparkle in the water of the pool, and a Decanter Of Endless Water can be found there as well. This pool is the lair of three Water Fiends who will jealously guard the treasures of their pool. If the waters of the pool are disturbed in any way, the Water Fiends will reveal themselves and attack.

  • North: A blue and red striped wooden door leads to room 3/4.
  • East: A brand new coffin-shaped wooden door leads to the hallway between this room and room 3/2.
  • West: A stuck, scorched wooden door on this wall leads to room 2/28.

3/2: The Barracks

This finished stone room is 40’ by 30’. The smell of sweat and body odor is strong here. There are bunk beds throughout the room with moldy hide mattresses atop them. A table and chair in the corner are the only other pieces of furniture that can be seen. This is the barracks room of the Blood-Axe Orc tribe. They make their home here and use the dungeon as a base of operations to harass the countryside. No less than 20 Orcs can be found here at any given time as they attempt rest between raids. On the table can be found a barely-legible letter written in Orcish using the Dwarven script. The letter is a response to a status report, detailing the Orc’s struggle to overcome a group of Wererats that have moved into this level of the dungeon. The letter-writer asks for silvered weapons to help combat the lycanthropes in hopes of expanding the tribe’s foothold here. The letter is addressed to an Ahrkurgh Demoneyes.

  • North: A short hall on this wall leads to a brass coffin-shaped door to room 3/4.
  • West: A stout, iron-banded wooden door on this wall can be barred to block entry. 

3/3: The Trophy Room

This L-shaped room is 40’ at its longest and 25’ at its widest. This room has been set up like a display room, with wooden display torsos wrapped in ancient armor and tables strewn with all manner of shiny bric-a-brac. The sounds of Orcish merriment and feasting can be heard from somewhere to the west. 

  • North: The door on this wall is made of brass, with a thick latch for a handle. This door is Trapped. When the latch is rotated, the heads of the screws attaching the handle to the door rotate too, revealing that there is a mechanism hidden inside the door. If the latch is rotated completely to open, the mechanism will crack a glass ampule of caustic liquid that will immediately leak out as a gas, causing 2d6 damage to anyone who fails a Breath Save within 10’ of the door.
  • West: There is an open corridor here that leads to the banquet hall in room 3/4 where sounds of Orcish merriment can be heard.
  • The Trophies: The three armor dummies each bear different armors. One torso displays an elaborately tooled Leather cuirass with orchids, lilies, and violets worked into it (Leather Armor +1).  Another torso bears an elaborately decorated elven war helm with a tall, feathered crest. The third torso bears a round wooden Shield +1 painted to look like a growling Orc face. The tables are covered in all manner of shiny rocks, colorful bits of glass, and other sundry trophies the Orcs have collected. There are several animal and humanoid skulls and femurs, and if ten minutes can be spared to search, 400 gp worth of gold and silver jewelry can be scrounged together from underneath the filthy mess. 

3/4: The Banquet Hall

This 40’ by 25’ room has been furnished with two long tables and is lit by large torches attached with iron brackets to the walls. 10 Orcs can be found here eating, laughing, and drunkenly singing Orcish war songs with their War Chief (4 HD, +2 to damage). There are three malnourished human slaves in rags meekly serving the warriors.

  • North: The door on this wall is made of brass, with a thick latch for a handle. This door is Trapped. When the latch is rotated, the screw heads of the screws attaching the handle to the door rotate too, giving away that there is a mechanism hidden inside the door. If the latch is rotated completely, the mechanism will crack a glass ampule of caustic liquid that will immediately leak out as a gas, causing 2d6 damage to anyone who fails a Breath Save within 10’ of the door.
  • West: There is a locked thick stone door on this wall with multiple metal locks. The 3 keys needed to open this door can be found on the orcish War Chief. Beyond the door, a long hallway leads further into the dungeon.
  • South: A short corridor here leads to room 3/1. 

3/5: The Black Archive

This 50’ by 25’ oval-shaped room has been cut from a vein of black karst stone and seems to drink light (the range of all light sources while in this room are halved). This room is filled with shelves of books, scrolls, folios, and manuscripts covering a variety of topics. These topics include demonology, the lower planes, dark gods, dungeon flora, geomantic magics, and herpetology. Atop many of the bookshelves are wrought iron oil lamps with purple crystal shades.

  • East and West: Either side of the room has a corridor leading to either room 3/3 or 3/4.
  • The Archive: The bookshelves are filled with too many books to list here. General information on the listed topics can be easily acquired after 1d6 turns of searching. Specific information on these topics takes 2d4 hours to find. Detailed information on demons, lower planes, or geomantic magic will take 4d6 hours to find. The information seeker cannot take any other significant action while searching the archive. This time may be broken up, however. There is a one-in-six chance that each search attempt will also uncover a random arcane or divine scroll hidden in a book. (50% chance of either.) 

Thursday, February 23, 2023

The End of Month Two

Well Covid kicked my ass pretty badly last week. Thankfully it didn't prevent me from getting this week's dungeon out before the end of the week. This is our concluding week to month two. Down below you'll find a mirror's of prophecy, circles of conjuration, and a very alarming corpse. Also written up for the end of month two, the encounter table for this dungeon level. enjoy!

Week Four: The Halls of Prophesy 

2/19: The Antechamber

This 25’ by 15’ antechamber is supported by four slender pillars of jade, carved to look like the coiled bodies of serpents. A hole cut through the mountain into the ceiling lets a thin beam of light enter the room, falling on the handle of the eastern door. A large eye has been carved above the doorframe of the door.

  •        East: The sturdy wooden door here is magically trapped. If the beam of light that falls on the handle is blocked from touching any part of the door, anyone within five feet of the door will instantly be teleported to the empty cage in room 2/25.

2/20: The Seeing Room

This oval room is roughly 25’ wide and 35’ long. It is made of a mortared iridescent green stone. There is a small altar slab in the middle of the room, and beyond that a dais with a massive obsidian mirror atop it. Anybody who stays in the room for more than a few seconds will feel the sensation of being watched.

  • ·    ·       North: This stone door has a noticeable peephole carved into it.
  • ·       South: The door on this wall is made of ancient wicker and slides into the wall.
  • ·       The Oracular Mirror: This large obsidian mirror is roughly five feet in diameter. Any divination spells cast in this room while the caster is looking into the mirror automatically succeed. There is a one-in-six chance that casting such a spell garners the attention of the Watcher In Darkness, he who lives in the space between spaces. The caster must immediately succeed at a Magic Save or be rendered mad for 2d4 turns, unable to cast any spells. The caster will continue to have nightmares for at least a week afterwards.

2/21: The Baths

This mildewy room is 25’ wide by 30’ long. A small stove has been built into the northeastern corner of the room, and four single person sized tubs make up the contents of this apparent bathhouse. The water in the tubs is brackish and cloudy, and the air here is heavy with the smell of mildew.

·       North: A short ten-foot-wide corridor leads to room 2/22.

·       South: There is a secret door that leads to room 2/16 here. The western most tub must be moved to reveal the trigger plate to open it from this side.

·       West: The corridor from room 2/20 enters here.

·       East: This wall contains a rusty iron door with the brackets for a crossbar to block the door from the other side.

2/22: The Forgotten Garden

This narrow room, 20’ by 55’, contains a small shallow well and three raised beds covered in colorful mushrooms. At some point this must have been used as a fungal garden, but it has been a long time since anybody tended to the mushrooms here. The walls were painted blue at some point, but the paint has mostly flaked off, leaving little piles in the corners of the room.

  • North: A moldering wooden door leads to room 2/23.
  • ·       Mushrooms: For every turn spent collecting mushrooms 1d6 rations can be foraged. This can only be done up to three times before all the mushrooms are depleted.
  • ·       The Well: The well is only ten feet deep. At the bottom 2d10 platinum coins and 2 golden anklets (25 gp each)  can be seen glinting in the darkness.

2/23: The Kitchen

This cut stone room is 30’ by 35’ with a small stove built into the wall. Two tables can also be found here, strewn with desiccated foodstuffs. A number of chipped ceramic bowls and wooden spoons are scattered about the room as well.

  • ·       South: A small hallway terminates in a door that leads to room 2/22.
  • ·       West: A corridor on this wall leads back to room 2/20.
  • ·       East: This wall contains a secret door that leads to room 2/24. If the flue to the stove is pushed all the way past open, it will unlock the secret door with an audible click.

2/24: The Summoning Room

This domed room is 40’ in diameter with 40’ ceilings. The entirety of the walls are painted in idyllic scenes of grassy plains, though these scenes are now quite faded and molded over. The room contains a small, green-tiled fount with clear running water and a magic circle roughly 15’ in diameter that crackles with eldritch energies. The dried-up and mutilated corpse of a Basilisk lies on the ground to the east of the circle (green X).

  • ·       The Circle: This circle is inscribed with runes of summoning and binding. Any Magic User who attempts to cast a summoning spell within this circle is treated as being two levels higher. The water from the fount must be applied to the edges of the circle for the effect to work.
  • ·       The Fount: The fount is magical, being used to bolster the magics of the summoning circle. If drank, it will stave off the magics of the Necrotic Resonator for 2d4 hours. This only works if the water is drunk directly from the fount.
  • ·       The Corpse: The Basilisk corpse has seemingly been here for years, judging by its desiccated state. The eyes are missing, and the abdomen has been split open.  The heart and liver have also been removed.
  • ·       South: A ten-foot-wide corridor leads from this room to a door with a special crank that swings the door open from the top. This door is obviously meant to be secret to those in the adjoining room (2/25).

2/25: The Prison

This room was once 40’ wide by 50’ long, but at some point the eastern half of the room collapsed into the magma river below. The air here is hot and uncomfortable, and the magma lends an orangey-red glow to the room. There are three large, locked cages here, the fourth probably having fallen into the magma when the room collapsed. The desiccated corpses of three adventurers can be found in two of the cages.

  • ·       North: The wall conceals a secret door here which can be opened by depressing a hand-sized portion of the wall to the right of the doorway.
  • ·       West: A rusted iron door blocks the way to room 2/21.
  • ·       The Corpses: There are two corpses of fighting men in the southwestern cage. They both are wearing old chainmail, one bearing a longsword and the other a mace. The corpse in the northwestern cage bares an uncanny resemblance to a random party member. They are even wearing that person’s clothes.  

Month Two Encounter Table

  1. 2d4 Goblins on patrol for food (each bears a ruby amulet).
  2. 1d10 Goblins carrying two Melted Cultists bound and gagged back to their king (each goblin bears a ruby amulet).
  3. 1d6 Melted Cultists foraging for mushrooms.
  4. 2d6 Melted Cultists carrying a wooden chest with sapphire inlay back to their master (the box contains a Staff of Swarming Insects with three charges left).
  5. 2d6 Zombies shuffling around aimlessly.
  6. 1d4 mutilated Goblin corpses (no amulets).
  7. 2d4 Giant Centipedes feasting on the corpse of a Melted Cultist.
  8. 1d6 Kobolds searching for treasure.
  9. 2d4 Goblins engaged in a running fight with 2d4 Melted Cultists.
  10. 1d4 Giant Crabs fighting over the corpses of three Kobolds.
  11. 2d4 Orcs scouting for food and treasure.
  12. Sounds of hideous laughter. 

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Week Seven

Today I have for you Week 7 of my personal Dungeon 23 project. This week we delve into lair of a band of goblins and their king. There are geysers, glowing gems, and more rivers of lava! Will you decide to ally with the goblins and work to destroy the cult that makes this level their home, or will you choose to take what you want with sword and spell? Read on to find out what else awaits!


Week Seven: Lair of the Goblin King

2/12: The Pillared Hall

This room is 60’ wide by 50’ long with 45’ tall ceilings supported by large carved stone pillars. Upon a dais in the middle of the room can be seen a large stone-wrought throne painted all over with eyes. The floor on the northern half of the room is covered in the sour-smelling bedding of roughly a dozen Goblin Bodyguards (2 HD). The Goblin King Kruksis The Snarler (3 HD) sits atop the throne. From here he commands his horde.

·       South: The doorway on this wall connects to a hallway that leads to room 1/29.

·       East: There are two wooden doors on this wall. The northern door leads to room 2/16 and the southern door leads to room 2/13. Both doors are locked. A skeleton key can be found around King Kruksis’s neck.

·       The Walls: All four walls have been painted to display a wrap-around mural of the Akrakogi homeland featuring rolling hills, cypris and olive groves, and the massive bulk of the holy mountain Shinkar. The bottom of the mural has been soiled and hacked away at by generations of Goblin youths.

·       Kruksis The Snarler: The scarred, beady-eyed Goblin King called Kruksis is as wise and intelligent a ruler as goblins can have. Kruksis hates the Melted Cultists and their leader and desires to shut their machine down so that he can clean out this level of the dungeon for his people. Kruksis has no love for adventurers, but hates the cultists more and will try to point PCs in the direction of the cultists if he can. He knows they lair on the western end of the dungeon, in the rooms below the apparatus. He also knows that they have some way of getting up to the balcony level, though he hasn’t found out where yet. Kruksis and his warriors all wear a small sliver of enchanted ruby (20 gp) that shields them from the effects of the Necromantic Radiator (room 2/3). However, the amulets have a painful cost: the wearer’s HP is reduced by 2 as long as they wear it.

 2/13: Spider Pens

This finished stone room is 25’ wide by 45’ long with 12’ high ceilings. Crude wooden pens have been built against the eastern and western walls here. The pens contain the Giant Wolf Spiders that the goblins use as mounts. The smell of rotting kobold corpses used for fodder is very strong. Odd-shaped saddles with Goblin-sized seats are piled up in the northeast corner.

·       West: The iron-bounded wooden door in the northwest corner of the room is locked. It leads back to room 2/12. The metal door in the southwest corridor is barred from this side.

·       East: The door in the southeastern corner is also barred from this side. Beyond it, a hallway leads to room 2/14.

·       Wolf Spider, Giant: AC 7 [12], HD 2* (9hp), Att 1 x bite (1d8 + poison),

THAC0 18 [+1], MV 120’ (40’),

SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (1),

ML 8, AL Neutral, XP 25, NA 1d4 (1d4), TT U

-Cling: Can walk on walls and ceilings.

-Poison: Causes death in 1d6 turns (save vs Poison with a +2 bonus).

2/14: The Geyser Room

This 30’ by 35’ stone-cut room has been overtaken by a natural hot spring that has accreted into two geysers in the corner of the room that periodically shoot jets of boiling water around the cave.

·       The Geysers: A natural reservoir deep underground has been periodically boiling up into this chamber, creating two rounded flowstone geysers. Geyser A erupts every 1d10 minutes, and geyser B erupts 1d4 turns. Anybody within ten feet of the geysers when they erupt takes 1d8 damage from scalding hot water.

·       Teleporter Destination: Anyone who pulls on the secret teleporting book in room 2/11 is teleported three inches off the ground in the middle of this room.

·       In the Geysers: If they geysers are searched, 1d10 platinum coins and a twisted silver wire bracelet with a faceted carnelian (75 gp) can be found inside the lip of geyser B.  

2/15: The Lava Caves

This natural cavern stretches almost 60’ wide with 20’ tall ceilings covered in irregular stalactites. A pillar of natural stone takes up the middle of the room, and at the southern end of the cave a stairway leads to a stone dock on the edge of a river of magma. A stone boat with enough room for five is moored to the dock with a thick rope. A rusted steel railing runs above the dock. The whole room is bathed in dim red light from the magma, and the heat is uncomfortable here. 1d6 +1 Melted Cultists have come ashore and are enacting a ritual to weaken the magics of the gem in room 2/17.

·       North: A 5’ wide hallway has been carved into the rock; a thick metal door blocks its way. The door is barred on the other side.

·       Melted Cultists: AC 8 [11], HD 1 (5hp), Att 1 x sacrificial dagger (1d4), or special attack,

THAC0 19 [0], MV 50’ (25’),

SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S15 (1),

ML 8, AL Chaotic, XP 15, NA 1d6 (2d6), TT R

-Special Attack: Each Cultist has a randomly assigned mutation (roll1d4). 1) Spit acid in a straight line 10’ long (1d6). 2) Horrible, melted calluses cover their body (+2 to AC). 3) Extra fingers and a third arm allow the cultist to grapple a foe on a successful attack. 4) A wretched smell (unable to cast or concentrate on spells within 10’ of this Cultist).

-The Cultists appear melted and warped by some unknown magics. On closer inspection, the cultist’s skin is almost reptilian in its appearance.  Each carries a carved jade amulet in the shape of a blazing goat’s eye and wields a sacrificial copper dagger.

-The ritual takes 1d6 rounds to complete by at least one uninterrupted cultist. If they are not stopped by the end of the last round, the gem in room 2/17 shatters and falls to the ground, thus extinguishing its light and disenchanting any amulets made from it.

  •           The Magma: The magma dimly lights up the cave. The southern end of the chamber is open to the lava tube that flows through the mountain and past the dock. Anyone spending more than a minute in the boat or on the dock must succeed at a Death Save or suffer a -2 penalty to all AC and Attack Rolls due to heat exhaustion. This will last 1d3 hours or until the PC has done nothing but rest and drink water for three turns. Anyone falling into the magma takes 3d6 damage immediately and 3d6 damage for every round  after that they remain. 

·       The Boat: Made of dark basalt and etched all over with arcane runes. The magical incantations allow the boat to float on the magma with ease. There is a 20’ long metal oar that is resting in a crook in the boat’s side used for steering the boat through the magma. A crumpled black robe is stuffed in the prow of the boat, along with five thick candles.

2/16: The Warren

This is a crudely carved room, 40’ wide by 25’. The entire room is filled with poorly-made bunks. This room is the main living space for the Goblin women and children. There are roughly 2d20 women and adolescents and 2d10 younger children and babies here. The smell of sweat and vomit permeates the entire room.

·       North: A loose stone at the bottom of the wall hides a pushbutton that will reveal a secret door which leads to room 2/21.

·       South: The heavy metal door on this wall has been barred with a thick metal rod.

·       East: There is a wooden door in the northern corner of this wall that opens to a corridor leading to room 2/18.

·       West: The metal door in this wall has a built-in mechanical lock. Kruksis has the only key.

2/17: The Garden

This is a natural cavern, roughly 75’ long by 50’ wide with many convolutions. The eastern side of the chamber is open to the magma river as it flows past. There is a dock on that side of the room with a metal railing overlooking it. Towards the eastern side of the cave, a head-sized ruby floats in the air. The ruby casts scintillating rays of crimson light across the cavern. Anyone who basks in the light for up to two turns will be immune from the necrotic magic that permeates this level for one day. A blanket of leafy plants is growing along the floor and up the walls of the cavern. There are onions, turnips, rutabagas, and cabbage in well-kept rows.  

·       The Ruby: This enchanted uncut ruby is roughly the size of a human head (1,500 gp). There are more than 20 small gouges cut into the surface on the bottom of the gem. The ruby floats 10’ above the ground and will bob about like a balloon when handled. The Goblins worship this stone as their god. They found it here over fifty years ago and have used its light to grow crops underground to survive. With the coming of the Cultists in the last year, they found that basking in its rays keeps the effects from the Necromantic Radiator at bay too. The ruby is not a permanent solution to their problems, however, as they can’t travel more than a day’s journey away from the gem without losing its blessing. The amulets that Kruksis and his Bodyguards wear have been made from pieces of this gem by the tribe’s shaman Grugina. Creating each amulet incrementally diminishes the ruby’s power and will eventually drain the stone of its ability to sustain the Goblins entirely.

2/18: The Dung Heap

This large room is a 40’ wide and 35’ long rectangle with crudely cut  walls and ceilings. The room is full of heaps of Goblin dung. This appears to be where the Goblins store their dung before they use it in the gardens. The smell is overpoweringly horrendous. Among the piles of stinking dung, the tribe’s shaman Grugina makes her home.

·       East: A hallway in the northern corner leads back to room 2/16.

·       South: In the middle of the southern wall there is a rusted metal door with hinges at the top that leads to room 2/17.

·       The Stash: Under the southeastern dung pile can be found a small wooden chest carved to look like a goblin’s head. Inside are 2,000 silver coins and a small velvet bag with two thumb-sized amethysts worth 500 gp each.

·       Grugina the Shaman: AC 6 [13], HD 3-1 (9hp), Att 1 x spear (1d6),

THAC0 19 [0], MV 90’ (30’),

SV D12 W13 P14 B15 S16 (3),

ML 9, AL Chaotic, XP 35, NA 0 (1), TT n/a

-Spellcasting: Once a day, Grugina can cast Cause Light Wounds, Protection From Evil, and Hold Person.

- Grugina worships the stone in room 2/17 and has figured out how to use small slivers of it to manufacture the magic amulets the tribe uses for protection. She desires to learn how to control the Necrotic Radiator in room 2/3 so she can use it to amplify the ruby and further empower her tribe. Grugina is aware of the archive in room 2/11 and the secret teleporting book there. Grugina doesn’t approve of the way Kruksis treats the weaker members of the tribe and wishes to overthrow him, though she keeps her desire for this hidden.


Saturday, February 11, 2023

Fun With Tables

I don't think there is greater tool a DM can have than the right dice table. Pregame prep, at table inspiration, the right table can become the seed for the perfect moment for your players. I hope that you can find some inspiration for your own games in the offerings below. 


Sometimes just the suggestion of greater mystery can be just the catalyst your players need to pique their curiosity. I have often found that the suggestion of a danger can do a lot to challenge the players to engage with the fiction of the dungeon itself. When things have stalled and the players linger too long, feel free to throw one of these sounds at them as a way to goose them into action. The table is also great for nighttime wilderness exploration. A human-like cough from a copse of trees on a moonless night of sneaking has the potential to scare the bejeesus out of any hardened adventurer!

Sounds From The Darkness D20 Table:

1. A distant rasping cough.

2. Moans of pain and anguish.

3. Shuddering wet thumps.

4. The sound of whispers.

5. A single stifled laugh.

6. Sad music drifting on the air.

7. The wail of a baby cut short abruptly.

8. A muffled argument.

9. Hysterical laughter.

10. Chains rattling.

11. Rushed footsteps away.

12. Heavy breathing.

13. The bark of a dog.

14. A player’s one true love calling out for help.

15. The sound of furniture scraping along the ground.

16.The squeal of a door being opened.

17. A muffled, pleading voice. It suddenly transforms into shrieking then abruptly ends.

18. A chorus of children singing a local nursery rhyme.

19. Drumming in the deep.

20. A cat screeching.

Exotic markets can be an interesting place for adventurers to purchase odd and intriguing mounts for their further adventures. For the right player, the efforts they may go to acquire such fanciful and singular companions can occupy multiple session of play. Use the table below when you want to see what a merchant might have for sale in your next foreign caravanserai or what the king may have hiding in his royal stables. 

Riding Animals D10 Table:

1. A golden maned courser once owned by a famous knight. They follow their owner without being led, even into a dungeon.

2. A massive riding mastiff with dappled brown and white coat. they can smell liars.

3. A striped black and purple tiger who answers to whistled commands. They can understand Elven perfectly.

4. A desert colored monitor lizard, the size of a horse. They will defend their master with their life.

5. A riding raptor (Utahraptor) with green skin and blotches of red. They have excellent hearing and a ferocious bite.

6. A massive hawk with noble countenance. They can fly long distances with their master on their back.

7. A huge boa constrictor with a riding harness behind the head. They can go weeks without eating and can climb trees with their master on their back.

8. A jaunty riding snail with blue-green shell. They can ride for a week without rest.

9. A fierce black destrier with silver mane. They can easily find water when asked politely.

10. A giant russet-dappled brown ferret. They can move with exceptional stealth. 

Lastly we have a small table for those times when a black cat just isn't magical enough for a wizard. Besides a wizard's hat there isn't a more iconic piece of a magic user's kit than their familiar. As true as it is that some pet owners come to resemble their pets, it is even more so true with magic users and their familiars. Familiars help a wizard, witch, or sorcerer channel their magic and access their spells. A magic user isn't complete without a cool familiar. Enjoy the selection below of interesting wizard's familiars your players or their next adversaries will be quietly stroking as they monologue to the party. 

Wizards Familiar D10 Table:

1. A large pink toad.

2. A swarm of fireflies.

3. A friendly garden snake with small antlers.

4. A smiling turtle.

5. A floating red crystal.

6. A black cat with moon and star patterns in their fur.

7. A large tarantula.

8. A babbling lemon.

9. A cheeky imp.

10. A blue and yellow parrot who speaks Common and swears in Dwarven. 

I hope you enjoyed these weird and wacky tables. Comment below with your favorite entry! 

D100 Objects Laying About an Alchemist’s Sanctum

  One of the more evocative locations a party might venture to is an alchemist’s sanctum or laboratory. Images of Jacobs ladders, and bubbli...